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Saturday June 30 01:56:36 2007
Still looking for Instinct
Record number: 12543

Title: Instinct
Medium: TV Movie
Actress: Christine Bottomley

Description: In part two of this three hour British mini series about the police pursuit of a serial killer, Bottomley plays the sister of the investigating officer and is targeted by the killer because of this. In the last 15 minutes her character goes to answer her doorbell and is suddenly grabbed (off camera but with a muffled shriek that pretty much tells you all you need to know) Next thing you know she's tied hands behind and ankles with tape, and tape gagged, her captor has taken no chances and wrapped her securely - her legs are encased from ankles to knees and there are several wraps around her mouth too. Lots of mmphhing and struggling before she is injected with some sort of sedative,

Then she is driven off in the back of a van, but by the time they reach their destination she is fully awake again. Her captor ties rope around her ankles and then throws her off the side of a canal. She is now suspended upside down over a canal lock, which the killer then opens allowing the water to flood in. She struggles and calls for help, fighting to keep her head above water. At one point it does look like she has drowned but then her brother and son are seen visiting her in her hospital bed

I remember someone at Rob's DIDs saying they had this clip but no response. Plz help. Thx
Saturday June 30 11:37:46 2007
books on tape (moved from The Discussion Page)
Years ago back in the 80's if I'm not mistaken harmony communications had story that appeared in the bondage life magazine called the " The Mansion" and this story was put on tape and narated by one of the editors at the time Chelsea Pfeiffer
Does anyone know if the this tape is still available anywhere ?
I have one of the tapes and its very interesting hearing Chelsea narate this book

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