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Saturday June 09 18:32:13 2007
If this is more appropriately asked on another page... (moved from The Discussion Page)
...my apologies in advance to the Moderator, since it's not like he doesn't already have enough to do. Anyway, someone near and dear just got a fully tricked out MacBook Pro for his birthday-well, he passed on letting Mr. Jobs max out the memory; $575 per gigabyte is a bit steep, don't you think?-and now he's got this problem.

When he attempts to access his favorite website (which shall go unnamed for the moment, lest its disclosure afflict a certain Midwesterner with a swollen head) using his favorite browser (Firefox, of course) while his new acquisition just happens to be connected to a network in an institution subject to the horribly misnamed Children's Internet Protection Act, in a manner designed to (ahem, ahem) mitigate some of the shortcomings, shall we say, of such connections, all he gets is a blank screen. If he uses Safari, everything works as it should.

The question, then, appears to be which settings in the Mac version of Firefox need to be tweaked and how. By the way, it's not just an obviously overblocked site like the one in question; anything coming through the proxy (oops-you didn't hear me say that!) comes up blank in Firefox but comes right through in Safari. Any of you other Macintoshers here seeing this? If so, what, if anything, do you do about it?

And the first wiseguy who says "Wait until you get home" will be forced to sit through all five of Bonita Granville's Nancy Drew movies, one after the other-in which she never got so much as a handgagging.
Birthday Boy
Saturday June 09 18:32:26 2007
More with regard to the above (moved from The Discussion Page)
Well, it seems like Firefox only has a problem with certain prox-er, ah, "overblock mitigation websites." After I posted, I managed to find one that worked with it. So once more, are any other Mac users here similarly afflicted?

And I still meant what I said about Bonita Granville. We've got the VCR and the straitjackets ready, and we're ready to buy the plane tickets. We know where you live!
Same As Above

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