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Trading Forum

This page is for posting personal ads looking to trade scenes. All transactions are the responsibility of the parties involved. Everyone dealing here should be aware that providing an adult tape to a minor is likely illegal, and could result in prosecution. Also, dealing copies of commercial tapes may be in violation of the copyright laws. The Moderator will make no attempt to police this board.

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Monday June 11 21:41:05 2007
Re: Spanish scene needed
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> You know you can buy a DVD burner for under $100 these
> days, and make your own DVDs of all these download scenes
> for viewing on your home DVD/TV system. Not too difficult
> to do. External USB DVD drives are available if not
> comfortable installing one in your computer.

Did anyone ever post a vid of the scenes from the Las Dos Caras de Ana show for the Wednesday (May 30) & Thursday, (May 31) that produced the killer scene? I don't recall anyone posting clips from it. Also, shows what a non-computer nerd I am, I didn't know those clips folks DO post could be downloaded, and then put onto a DVD-R! I just thought you watched 'em!

And I DO have a DVD burner on my computer.

Monday June 11 22:17:16 2007
Re: Spanish scene needed
JP wrote:

> And I DO have a DVD burner on my computer.

Finally coming into the modern age, huh old boy?

If you find them,
let me know as I may be able to get them on DVD for you
Jay L
Monday June 11 23:47:59 2007
Stargate scene recieved but by who??
One more thing. A while back I mentioned that I had missed the latest scene with Amanda Tapping tied & gagged on Stargate SG-1. A few weeks later it arrived in the mail on VHS, along with Lenssen und Partner. Problem is I do not recognize the return address to thank the person who kindly provided me with a copy. It came from Canada & was from Toronto (I don't want to put the name or address, in order to protect his privacy). The copy was most appreciated, especially as I did not contact anyone directly about needing a copy (at least, not that I recall) and this person generously saw my post & sent me a copy.

I do recognize the handwriting so I know it's from someone I've traded with before.

I deeply apologize for not recognizing the name (I do so much mailing of tapes back & forth) and hope the sender will drop me an email so I can thank him proper.

So, whoever sent this to me, many thanks & please make yourself known!!!


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