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This page is for posting personal ads looking to trade scenes. All transactions are the responsibility of the parties involved. Everyone dealing here should be aware that providing an adult tape to a minor is likely illegal, and could result in prosecution. Also, dealing copies of commercial tapes may be in violation of the copyright laws. The Moderator will make no attempt to police this board.

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Tuesday May 01 00:54:13 2007
Neighbours (moved from The Discussion Page)
Anyone manage to get a clip of the Nicky Whelan scene? Just wondering if anyone in Australia can deliver :o)
Tuesday May 01 00:55:13 2007
Japanese Youtube Scene (moved from The Discussion Page)
I know this should go it the trading forum but I've tried putting it there multiple times and I've gotten no responses. I think more people look at the discussion page so I'm hoping you leave this on here so I can try to find this clip.

The clip I'm talking about was on youtube a while back but I am pretty sure it's been removed. The clip was titled "Japanes Hero Gagged" or something like that and it featured a guy stuffing many small pieces of cloth in a Japanese womans mouth before cleave gagging her. I vaguely remember people talking about it on here when it first showed up on youtube. Did anyone save this clip? If so is there any way I can get it?

Tuesday May 01 22:06:54 2007
Hope from Days Of Our Lives (moved from The Discussion Page)
Title: Days Of Our Lives
Medium: Soap Opera
Actress: Kristian Alfonso

Description: Bo & Hope are invloved in an adventure in England with the villianous "Duke of Earl". Hope is being held in a dungeon in the Duke's castle. She is bound and hands behind and foot and gagged by a fairly wide strip of white tape. I believe she was shown is full treatment over the course of a couple of days and without the gag for a while longer. She is wearing tight blue jeans and a black leather jacket

This was Alfonso's first full treatment scene on the show, taking place a year or two before her "Patch" scenes

Does any one know if there are any clips/snaps posted on any of the sites......

Thanks in advance.

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