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Trading Forum

This page is for posting personal ads looking to trade scenes. All transactions are the responsibility of the parties involved. Everyone dealing here should be aware that providing an adult tape to a minor is likely illegal, and could result in prosecution. Also, dealing copies of commercial tapes may be in violation of the copyright laws. The Moderator will make no attempt to police this board.

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Saturday April 21 03:57:33 2007
Re: Tortarella vs Reporter
Jay L wrote:

> A keeper, if anyone caught it?
I got some new scenes for trade. thanks

Scratch this. I got it
Jay L
Saturday April 21 11:25:54 2007
Tortarella vs Reporter
Hello Jay L
I would to see the cap of Jessica biel on letterman talking about being bound and kidnapped by friends
Saturday April 21 11:45:11 2007
Re: Tortarella vs Reporter
I'd love to see the clip as well!

Saturday April 21 19:25:40 2007
Re: Tortarella vs Reporter
tieme2 wrote:

> Hello Jay L
> I would to see the cap of Jessica biel on letterman
talking about being bound and kidnapped by friends

Sent. Check your box
Jay L
Saturday April 21 19:30:06 2007
Re: Tortarella vs Reporter
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> I'd love to see the clip as well!
> illegaldarkness9889@yahoo.com.

Hmmm. You're not is the usual sport-clip loop, so I figured you after the Jessica Biel on David Letterman show. That what I sent you

I have the uncensored John Tortorella cracking acid at New York Times? Larry Brooks?
(have to read the email)
If that what you're after? Let me know
Jay L
Saturday April 21 22:54:01 2007
Re: bondage models who became celebrities (moved from The Discussion Page)
> I do not know about famous but Michelle Bauer used to
> make bondage vids and so did Linnea Quigley. Neither one
> became big stars or famous but they did some mainstream
> films.

If anybody have pictures of videos of those actress in bondage or not.. i will love to have them.. please send to may email

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