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Trading Forum

This page is for posting personal ads looking to trade scenes. All transactions are the responsibility of the parties involved. Everyone dealing here should be aware that providing an adult tape to a minor is likely illegal, and could result in prosecution. Also, dealing copies of commercial tapes may be in violation of the copyright laws. The Moderator will make no attempt to police this board.

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Friday May 11 07:17:03 2007
Re: Calls?
Personally, I think you guys should work this into a cross over. Where you can all just patch things up behind the scenes like not here on the internet but still act like this is legitimate heat and then do a video where you kidnap Stephanie. I'd buy it. It'd be money, but I demand an acknowledgement to "anonymous jackass" for the idea in the credits.

Friday May 11 19:54:03 2007
General Hospital (moved from The Discussion Page)
i was just wondering if there was a scene with Robin Christopher(Skye) on General Hospital where she applied tape to her mouth? I know there was a cleave gag one but im looking for the time i think the character Luke was teelin her to fake a kidnapping or sumthin? if any of u guys can find caps and myabe even a clip, cud u please let me know.
Friday May 11 19:54:16 2007
Re: General Hospital (moved from The Discussion Page)
john wrote:

> i was just wondering if there was a scene with Robin
> Christopher(Skye) on General Hospital where she applied
> tape to her mouth? I know there was a cleave gag one but
> im looking for the time i think the character Luke was
> teelin her to fake a kidnapping or sumthin? if any of u
> guys can find caps and myabe even a clip, cud u please
> let me know.

Yeah, there is a scene where Robin gags herself. It was in the same storyline as the one with her cleave gagged (not the cleave gag scene of her tied to the chair on the ship, where Luke pushes her off the side...this was another cleave scene from Robin...she's being held behind some sort of air duct screen if I recall correctly...I have it somewhere).

Anyway, in that same storyline, she & Luke are sitting in a car &, as you said, talking about faking her kidnapping & she applies a piece of tape to her mouth at Luke's request. I have the scene on tape but do not have the ability to make caps or clips, sorry. But it DOES exist.


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