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This page is for posting personal ads looking to trade scenes. All transactions are the responsibility of the parties involved. Everyone dealing here should be aware that providing an adult tape to a minor is likely illegal, and could result in prosecution. Also, dealing copies of commercial tapes may be in violation of the copyright laws. The Moderator will make no attempt to police this board.

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Wednesday May 09 00:27:12 2007
Re: Partners in Crime (moved from The Discussion Page)
LV wrote:

> If you want it, put up your email address, and I'll send
> it along.

My email is benjocolautti120@hotmail.com, thanks a lot by the way!
Wednesday May 09 05:49:40 2007
Re: Major johns? (moved from The Discussion Page)
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Well, regardless of whatever they've done, they update
> like crazy. I can barely keep up with them. Hell, I had
> to get a new hard drive.

I suspect they either a)didn't pay their bill (likely) or b)got shut down for posting clips from movies that were still in the theater on the site (even more likely). I also suspect we've finally seen the last of them, which is not necessarily a bad thing.

Would you believe somebody called me on my phone the other--on the number I have listed on my site for 2257 regulations--just to ask about Major Johns? I attempted to explain that I had no knowledge (nor interest) but this person kept babbling. Geez. And apparently, I'm not the only competitor of MJs they bothered!

"Yes, I'm calling to ask about one of your competitors--one of the ones you don't like at that!"
Tape Her Up
Wednesday May 09 08:12:05 2007
Re: Partners in Crime (moved from The Discussion Page)
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> LV wrote:
> > If you want it, put up your email address, and I'll
> send
> > it along.
> My email is benjocolautti120@hotmail.com, thanks a lot by
> the way!

You're welcome. Just sent the clip.
Hadn't watched this one in a while. Still a personal fave. Two of the top 70s TV glamour queens chewing cloth and mumbling.

Wednesday May 09 14:41:46 2007
Website hack
"Yes, I'm calling to ask about one of your
competitors--one of the ones you don't like at that!"

We've recovered completely from a hacker targeting our website.
Curiously, the origin of the hack originates from an IP address in Pennsylvania - our domain registrar is investigating and whomever is responsible will be prosecuted.

Wednesday May 09 16:37:34 2007
Re: Website hack
Stephanie wrote:

> "Yes, I'm calling to ask about one of your
> competitors--one of the ones you don't like at
> that!"
> http://www.tapeherup.com
> We've recovered completely from a hacker targeting our
> website.
> Curiously, the origin of the hack originates from an IP
> address in Pennsylvania - our domain registrar is
> investigating and whomever is responsible will be
> prosecuted.


Oh, please! Spare me the melodramatics. If you're implying that ~I~ hacked your site:

1)My site does quite well enough on it's own without resorting to such tactics

2)My original stuff is better than yours!

3)Pennsylvania is a pretty big state--and I am hardly the only bondage guy in it.

4)Be careful with the false accusastions--it could get you sued.
Tape Her Up
Wednesday May 09 18:04:20 2007
Re: Calls?
Stephanie wrote:

> "Yes, I'm calling to ask about one of your
> competitors--one of the ones you don't like

You sure it wasn't some newspaper's telemarketer offering one week free delivery?
Jay L
Wednesday May 09 18:35:47 2007
Re: Calls?
Jay L wrote:
You sure it wasn't some newspaper's telemarketer offering
one week free delivery?

Maybe the moderator should think about taking back control of his page from the well known trolls - starting to seem like anything goes all over again

Wednesday May 09 20:57:09 2007
Re: Calls?
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Maybe the moderator should think about taking back
> control of his page from the well known trolls - starting
> to seem like anything goes all over again

Why don't you let me worry about that. I NEVER lose
control of anything.

The Moderator

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