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Trading Forum

This page is for posting personal ads looking to trade scenes. All transactions are the responsibility of the parties involved. Everyone dealing here should be aware that providing an adult tape to a minor is likely illegal, and could result in prosecution. Also, dealing copies of commercial tapes may be in violation of the copyright laws. The Moderator will make no attempt to police this board.

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Monday May 07 10:58:20 2007
Does anyone out there have any of the scenes from the british tv series sharman (especially the Samantha Janus black tape gag scene) i've never been able to get hold of them and would love to see them again. Thanks.
Monday May 07 22:13:32 2007
Re: Major johns? (moved from The Discussion Page)
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> The House of Le Bastard wrote:
> > Good riddance. We were sick of all the proclamations
> from
> > the people running it.
> What do you mean?

He means that MajorJohns has been a constant source of drama over the years, culminating with the rumor that Major John had died in a car crash - to this day, the majority of people here are suspicious of that claim (there are dozens of reasons why the death-story was *extremely* suspect).

Not a Guest
Monday May 07 23:06:32 2007
Re: Major johns? (moved from The Discussion Page)
> He means that MajorJohns has been a constant source of
> drama over the years, culminating with the rumor that
> Major John had died in a car crash - to this day, the
> majority of people here are suspicious of that claim
> (there are dozens of reasons why the death-story was *extremely* suspect).

Yeah, that too. We never called bullshit on that, but now we will.

We actually had no direct conflicts with anyone at the site. We were just tired of the abuse of people here (like us) who had nothing to do with clips being pirated, etc.

The House of Le Bastard

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