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This page is for posting personal ads looking to trade scenes. All transactions are the responsibility of the parties involved. Everyone dealing here should be aware that providing an adult tape to a minor is likely illegal, and could result in prosecution. Also, dealing copies of commercial tapes may be in violation of the copyright laws. The Moderator will make no attempt to police this board.

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Tuesday May 08 00:24:34 2007
Re: Major johns? (moved from The Discussion Page)
here's the last known email address of MJ's. FYI. I actually called it on them -- the whole car crash thing -- I'm still wiping spit off.


Tuesday May 08 06:06:49 2007
Re: Major johns? (moved from The Discussion Page)
Well, regardless of whatever they've done, they update like crazy. I can barely keep up with them. Hell, I had to get a new hard drive.

I seem to recall having words with Major John a while back, but I still swallowed my pride and bought some DVDs. His product isn't always exactly what I want, but he came pretty damn close many times. If he's dead...and keep in mind, we didn't like each other at all...but if it's true, that sucks. I don't have to like someone to appreciate and admire their product.

At any rate, thanks for the explanation. I'm a terrible gossip monger. I'll turn you into a sewing circle if you let me.
Tuesday May 08 09:04:31 2007
German Scene
Anyone got a vid clip of this scene?

Record number: 8302

Title: Doppelter Einsatz - Langer Samstag (2003)
Medium: TV Movie
Actress: Petra Kleinert, Alexandra Schalaudek

Description: Series regular Kleinert and cute guest Schalaudek have numerous scenes in this German TV movie. Tied up almost for the whole duration of the show with wide tape, hands in front, but more often behind their backs (good closeups).

We also get some good views of their bound feet. For a while the ladies are also gagged with wide strips of tape. Definitely an outstanding piece of work.
Tuesday May 08 20:17:08 2007
Partners in Crime (moved from The Discussion Page)
I know this is a long shot but does anyone have pics or the video (youtube link maybe) for that scene with Loni Anderson and Lynda Carter from the show Partners in Crime?
Tuesday May 08 21:50:53 2007
Re: Partners in Crime (moved from The Discussion Page)
47 wrote:

> I know this is a long shot but does anyone have pics or
> the video (youtube link maybe) for that scene with Loni
> Anderson and Lynda Carter from the show Partners in Crime?

I have a cap, and the whole scene is available off the website, but no computer file.

Tuesday May 08 23:29:51 2007
Re: Partners in Crime (moved from The Discussion Page)
47 wrote:

> I know this is a long shot but does anyone have pics or
> the video (youtube link maybe) for that scene with Loni
> Anderson and Lynda Carter from the show Partners in Crime?

I've got it as a Real Player clip that I downloaded a few years ago. Wish I could remember who from so I could give proper credit.
If you want it, put up your email address, and I'll send it along. Same for anyone else interested.
Or if anyone can suggest somewhere to upload it without neeeding much in the way of software and expertise (I'm pretty limited with both), I'll do so and put up a link. (I have a youtube account, but use it for other things, so I can't use it for this.)

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