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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Tuesday March 30 08:47:47 2021
Recent webbed/cocooned scenes?
Have there been scenes this year or the last couple involving the victim being cocooned or spider-webbed up? Those are kind of rare as is, think the only recent I can remember is from Goosebumps
Tuesday March 30 08:56:09 2021
Empowered Volume 12 Potential Awesomeness
Being a huge fan of Adam Warren's superlative ongoing Superheroine comic series I check out his twitter posts from time to time to see how the next volume to be released - Volume 12 - is progressing. After the virtually bondage-less Volume 11 I was curious as to whether Emp would find herself in full-treatment distress again in the new tome. Especially as she's becoming gradually less bondage-prone as her abilities improve over time. From what has been posted it would appear that civilian(and non-powered)Emp somehow gets kidnapped by her superpowered alter-ego. How and why remains unknown but that certainly is an intriguing and fresh take on Elyssa's struggles. And the thought of her completely vulnerable self in bondage is always enticing - plus she looks even hotter sporting those big knotted cleaves without her mask(think her sexy librarian character). Plus her kidnapping herself is damn hot. No idea when Volume 12 is being released. Hopefully later this year. Should be a real treat!
Tuesday March 30 09:15:06 2021
Re: Snowpiercer
On March 29 2021 Gagster wrote:

> The finale of Snowpiercer on TNT network had a scene with
> Lena Hall (and a somewhat bloody nose) cleave gagged and
> held as a hostage.
> https://i.imgur.com/dudwUpg.jpg

Nice little scene. Good closeups, good emoting, and good looking gag; would have been better without the bloody nose.

Tuesday March 30 09:34:35 2021
Re: Ballgag Scene Russian Psycho 2018
On March 29 2021 Thom wrote:

> There is a ball gag scene in the film Russian Psycho.
> Does anyone have this on video or link to a video. Thanks
> https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.kino

I found the movie online but I couldn't find any scene in the movie. Gonna post the link on the video page in case its anither monvie or someone notices the scene
Tuesday March 30 09:35:06 2021
Re: Snowpiercer
Why o why wasn't it Jennifer Connelly? Been waiting around 35 years or so for a truly great f/t scene for Jen. Shoulda been The Rocketeer :(. But I still have hope as she's still smoking :). Keen to see Top Gun 2 just for her. Sorry Tom ;)
Tuesday March 30 09:50:37 2021
Re: Empowered Volume 12 Potential Awesomeness
Prefer actual damsels myself. But I will admit Empowered is probably the best comic there's ever been with DiD content. Wish someone had the balls to do a tv/film version someday. Anyhow yeah I read this new volume features a "scary, badass, violent" Emp. Perhaps engineered by one of Sistah Spooky's spells who knows. Interesting that she is a separate entity to the civilian Elyssa. Nice that she kidnaps "herself". Have also seen a panel where a bound & ballgagged Emp(legs unbound)has to escape a death trap challenge. So yeah the lack of bondage in Vol.11 will be definitely made up for in Vol.12. Happily.
Tuesday March 30 10:26:21 2021
Re: Empowered Volume 12 Potential Awesomeness
>Prefer actual damsels myself.
Nothing wrong with comic DiD's. My lifelong DiD tastes were formed in the mid 1970's by 3 things :- Seventies tv cop/adventure shows; Seventies detective magazine covers and cowboy comics. I came across the Empowered series late after several volumes had already been released. I was instantly hooked, at first by the great bondage imagery but also the power and emotion of the story-telling. I would defy any DiD fan not to get turned on by Volume 2's bondage imagery in particular. Incredibly erotic stuff. Very pleased to hear that Volume 12 should be a damsel-fest too. Each volume is an absolute labor of love by its creator and is always worth the purchase. Highly recommended to any newbies!
Tuesday March 30 12:46:05 2021
Re: Empowered by Adam Warren
> Each volume is an absolute labor of love by its creator and is always worth the purchase. Highly recommended to any newbies!
Another favorite moment is Volume 7's "Of Vocabulary Words..." chapter, where Emp is easily besting Ninjette in arm-wrestling, till as a test her best friend:

"I have, uh, a little EXPERIMENT in mind, all right?
"I need you to listen to a few, um, VOCABULARY WORDS, Emp. Such as:

"Duct taped"

After each of these words, Emp mentally flashes back to the outcomes of some of her misadventures.

"Trussed up"
"Tied down"
"Taken captive"
"Over-the-shoulder carried"
"Um... Bondage"".

Emp loses her superpower and Ninjette easily pins her right hand.

Tuesday March 30 17:32:08 2021
Re: Recent webbed/cocooned scenes?
On March 30 2021 (unsigned poster) wrote:

> Have there been scenes this year or the last couple
> involving the victim being cocooned or spider-webbed up?

The most recent I can think of is Emily Rose in the second episode of Haven and even that was about 10 years ago.

Alan Smithee
Tuesday March 30 19:06:00 2021
Re: Empowered by Adam Warren
Sistah Spooky of course created a spell whereby all villains are compelled to bind and gag poor Emp. And when she tried to reverse said spell had no success. Volume 12 seems to revolve around Emp confronting Spooky about being in constant distress. Her anger and frustration somehow becoming embodied in the creation of this violent Emp character. Don't know for sure but this entire volume could revolve around bondage and Emp's conflicted emotions surrounding it. So it "could" be one of the most bondage-heavy volumes in years :)!
Tuesday March 30 19:43:01 2021
Re: 12 Angry Viewers (Ananda Lewis scene)
On March 23 2021 (unsigned poster) wrote:

> On March 23 2021 AX wrote:
> > >Did this scene really happen? Does anyone
> > > remember actually seeing it?
> > yeah, it happened, I saw it when it aired.
> Man. Almost makes it worse knowing it happened and that
> it’s impossible to see now. Appreciate the input though.

Could anyone narrow down when this episode aired? The year, month, maybe even the day? The show wasn’t on the air very long
Tuesday March 30 20:01:02 2021
Re: Old scene
On March 28 2021 (unsigned poster) wrote:

> Hey guys wonder if u guys know this scene. ...

Have no idea; that sounds like half the grindhouse films from the 70s or horror films from the 80s. Plus we don't know how old you are so you're reference to your youth doesn't help. If you search on "van" in the database you would get too many hits.

Advice: Try to specify the time period if you don't remember the year. Even if you're off a couple of decades try to note what type of clothes they were wearing (hippies? 60s-70s), any language, a made for cinema or TV film, scene took place day or night, if the scene ended badly for the damsel, etc. This would help trigger someone else's memory.
Captain Morgan
Tuesday March 30 20:57:52 2021
Re: Empowered by Adam Warren

EMPOWERED is one of the genuine hidden gems of 21st Century pop culture so far.
Tuesday March 30 23:21:02 2021
Some fan photos from the Supergirl set in Vancouver today show Supergirl and some other characters with their hands chained behind their backs.


I have linked to a few. More can easily be found if you look around the Supergirl tag on Instagram.
Tuesday March 30 23:27:11 2021
Re: Empowered by Adam Warren
The writing, humour and sheer heart of Empowered does deserve some sort of film/TV treatment. It's a completely constructed superhero universe with marvellously unique heroes and villains. The main hurdles for any production would be that bondage is an integral part of Emp's storyline and her ever-shrinking costume. Maybe an adult-oriented animated series could work, like that Pam Anderson thing years back or the animated Aeon Flux series. Warren's genius needs to be widely seen and recognised for sure.

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