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Video Page

This page is for posting links to online streaming video, Youtube and things like that. The rules are somewhat looser than Discussion. You can post and discuss mainstream and related amateur video. Do not post clips from commercial videos. It's usually not that hard to tell the difference.

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Sunday June 21 00:48:26 2015
Does anyone have Amy Locane in NBC Special Treat?
Sunday June 21 03:21:32 2015
Brazilians Scenes
Upload the blogger
VH Carioca
Sunday June 21 06:33:39 2015
Sandra Rieß
Short duct tape scene with german TV host.

Sunday June 21 06:51:40 2015
Raffish DiDClips: the big dump (eww)
Well, THAT upload took a while...

As I threatened earlier, the entire clip library of Raffish DiDClips through my 2010 hiatus is now available at the link (RM format only). Hopefully this will help with some of those hard-to-find scenes!

I encourage everyone to read the README, especially if you never used bondageparade.com back in the day. There are some tips in there that should make navigating 4,000+ files a bit less daunting.

I'm going to consider all outstanding requests for scenes in this library closed at this point, since I didn't notice any that are from non-VHS original sources and would benefit from improved resolution. If I'm wrong about that, feel free to email me and I'll check again.
Sunday June 21 06:51:48 2015
Pe Na Jaca cap 64
Another short but very good and funny Latin scene (AND good quality, too):

Pe Na Jaca - telenovela - Brazil - cap 64 - Emanuelle Araujo - cleave (15:50-16:00):


P.S.: Welcome back, RAFFISH!
Sunday June 21 08:31:09 2015
Re: Raffish DiDClips: the big dump (eww)
Raffish wrote:

> Well, THAT upload took a while...
> As I threatened earlier, the entire clip library of
> Raffish DiDClips through my 2010 hiatus is now available

Is there a password required? Because when I try to unzip the file i get an error and it wants a password.

Thank you for offering this to us!
Mr Roy
Sunday June 21 09:14:28 2015
Sorry, Raffish, one more
Sorry, Raffish, but didn't get a request in. Been looking for a scene from 80's telenovel Mi Amada Beatriz for years. Long haired girl on a couch, hands in front, white cleave gag.
Do you have this?
Sunday June 21 09:47:52 2015
Re: I'm Netz Der Luge 2001

> I think Regula Grawillier is in full black, I know she
> had black boots. Can't remember how the other is dressed.
> Ben trying to find this scene for years!
Maybe Raffish has the scene, I heard he has hundreds of DiD scenes.
Sunday June 21 09:50:32 2015
Re: Raffish miscellanous edits/Sendspace
Thanks to Gagster for all the good advice about Sendspace's problems,

but way too much trouble compared to YouTube, DailyMotion, MyVideo, or even Google.

Sunday June 21 10:02:52 2015
Re: Raffish DiDClips: the big dump (eww)
Mr Roy wrote:

> Is there a password required? Because when I try to unzip
> the file i get an error and it wants a password.

No password, and it's working for me. The Mod doesn't want this turning into a tech support forum, so shoot me an email and I'll see if I can figure out what's going on.
Sunday June 21 10:08:08 2015
>Im Netz Der Luge
>Mi Amada Beatriz

Nope and nope...not in Major John's archive either. Sorry guys.
Sunday June 21 11:16:46 2015
Wendy Fiore
Hey people, i have only a name Wendy Fiore, google it. She's a "model" and it's a gagged scene for her. Amazing

Sunday June 21 11:33:34 2015
thief takers
Hi Raffish, Do you happen to have the thief takers scene from MJ. Thanks in advance and awesome collection!
Sunday June 21 12:03:45 2015
Re: thief takers
Pixy wrote:

> Hi Raffish, Do you happen to have the thief takers scene
> from MJ.

Whoops, missed it the first time. Here ya go.
Sunday June 21 12:08:34 2015
Re: Raffish DiDClips: the big dump (eww)
Raffish wrote:
> Well, THAT upload took a while...
> As I threatened earlier, the entire clip library of
> Raffish DiDClips through my 2010 hiatus is now available

Thanks for the uploads but the files cannot be zipped

Sunday June 21 12:52:44 2015
Re: Raffish DiDClips: the big dump (eww)
Raffish wrote:

> Mr Roy wrote:
> > Is there aon.

I just wants to say thanks. That's really awesome of you. It works fine for me and they are all great. You really didn't have to do that and the whole community appreciates it. Cheers
Sunday June 21 13:08:39 2015
Re: Raffish DiDClips: the big dump (eww)
Raffish wrote:

> Well, THAT upload took a while...
> As I threatened earlier, the entire clip library of
> Raffish DiDClips through my 2010 hiatus is now available
> at the link (RM format only). Hopefully this will help
> with some of those hard-to-find scenes!

Well, that happened.

This weekend's floods have me thinking first world problems. There's only one real first world problem: Managing abundance. Right now, we have it. I find, after doing this for 20 years, that my "holy grails" are no longer things I haven't seen. Instead, they're files I have that I'm looking for upgrades on. Source tracking and management is a serious problem once you get enough stuff.

That's the thing that always impressed me most about your approach, Raffish, because not only do you have all those files, you have a comprehensive spreadsheet documenting it. And it occurs to me that that spreadsheet could be the start of some really next-level stuff. We could use that spreadsheet- put it up on Google Drive, crowdsource it- and we could add some columns to document different sources available. Document codecs, resolution, links to Youtube videos, anything you want, you could add a column for it.

Because a tremendous amount of stuff is available online these days to anybody who wants to look for it, and the big issue is that nobody knows what to look for. Chandler & Company- perfect example. How long had that upgrade been sitting on Dailymotion before somebody asked about it? A spreadsheet would help the community target priorities and increase efficiency.

It would also be a great source for identifying unknowns. Over the past ten years those have proliferated, because in the past a major strategy to avoid takedowns was to not provide identifying information. I don't believe this strategy is effective or productive any longer, as Google's content match software is much more sophisticated than talking about mere filenames. Just this morning I was looking for an upgrade to episode 23 of My Beloved (unsuccessfully), and when I searched for it on Youtube the full episode came right up. It doesn't matter that the uploader had avoided using the name of the serial anywhere. Google knew what I was looking for. I just don't know what half the clips I grabbed from Youtube are, because they weren't labelled. Probably half of that half are duplicates.

As an aside, I'm not entirely sure I agree with your theory that upgrading clips from VHS wouldn't be worth the effort. It's true that the resolution of the old clips are roughly equivalent to VHS resolution, but when converting from analog to digital resolution isn't the only thing that matters. You also have to take into account blur, lighting effects, framerate, number of colors. If you're dealing with a bright, well-lit scene with not a lot of motion, maybe you're not going to get a great deal of improvement out of that. But if you want to talk about, say, the Archer-Goldsberry OLTL scene from July 2005, that's something that would probably benefit significantly from a re-encode. The existing encode is very dark, and it doesn't seem to be encoded with a very wide color pallette, so it's significantly blotchy. Same thing with fast shots. Quick camera movement on the old clips causes plenty of pixellation. This would be improved by re-encodes. The big drawback is that doing this is pretty tedious.

Which is why tracking alternate sources would also be really helpful. You have that spreadsheet and you would know, for instance, there's no point in re-transferring "La Duena" because the copyright owner has put the entire novela streaming on Youtube in high quality. There is a certain small subset of stuff, however, which I believe will never be seen again except on those VHS tapes, and it's those things which are worth making the effort to transfer in best-possible quality.

This would also be useful in the event of cloud data loss. After what Sam went through with Megaupload I don't believe for a second that Mediafire is a sustainable long-term solution to the problem of clip scarcity. It's easier to sort and filter a spreadsheet than to try to dig through a forum when working on replacement data.

OK, there's my piece. Who wants to bell the cat?
Sunday June 21 14:18:22 2015
Carla Regina in Mandacaru
This beautiful lady gets cleave gagged and blindfolded in Brazilian soap found on Youtube.

Mandacaru capitulo 2 14.10 then 22.20.

She is kept bound in many of the episodes following this one.
Sunday June 21 15:09:35 2015
Re: Raffish DiDClips: the big dump (eww)
Parry wrote:

> OK, there's my piece. Who wants to bell the cat?

Thanks, Parry. Very cool. I'd been thinking along much the same lines, about how to tie all of our individual efforts into something much more efficient.

Yeah, I maintained that spreadsheet pretty meticulously, and it goes without saying that I'd be happy to let it be a jumping-off point for crowdsourcing. We could start with appropriate fields for source info, including links to unedited online sources. Anyone who found a juicy YouTube link etc. could make a new entry for it, and others could help fill in the metadata. There could even be a field in which clippers and editors could "check out" an entry, indicating that they were working on a particular scene, then check it back in when they were done, along with a link to a finished clip.

Then I could teach my search engine about the new stuff--I imagine Mike would be happy to let me repurpose bondageparade.com purely as a search hub, and if not, I could easily rehost--and we'd have the framework for something very cool, without even all that much effort.

Excellent point about the VHS clips. It should have been obvious to me that a re-encode ten years later into something other than RealMedia would generally look better enough to be worth doing, even if I didn't know a damn thing about how to effectively tweak the settings. Yeah, it's probably more about the tedium, even with the best batch tools available. But I shouldn't let that rule out one-offs for deserving scenes; I should just reserve the usual right to determine what "deserving" means. ;)

Okay, gotta run, about to leave on a three-week road trip with a friend. (But don't worry, I'll still need something silly to do in the hotels at night.)

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