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This page is for posting links to online streaming video, Youtube and things like that. The rules are somewhat looser than Discussion. You can post and discuss mainstream and related amateur video. Do not post clips from commercial videos. It's usually not that hard to tell the difference.

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Saturday July 25 00:40:57 2015
Re: Undercover
Raffish wrote:

> Undercover (S01E06)
> Featuring Sarah Alexander

And there's my new favourite of the year. I love 'female cop gets caught snooping and has to be kept bound and gagged by her undercover colleague' scenarios, especially when, as in this case, the female cop is his boss.

I'd love to be able to download the full episode - indeed watch the whole series - but regrettably it's not yet available in my country.

Incidentally,it looks like the producers mocked up a separate implied bondage situation just for a trailer - If this had been in the episode that went to air, I'm sure Raffish would not have left it out of his clip.

Saturday July 25 05:52:33 2015
Re: Undercover
Scully wrote:

> If this had been in the episode that went to air, I'm
> sure Raffish would not have left it out of his clip.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uz_nMqkrPzg

Well, here we get into the question of "clip half the episode where she's holding her hands behind her back" vs. "clip the visible bondage/gag scenes" question, and in this case the latter won out.

Funny show, though. Based on this ep that I pirated in the service of our collective needs, I need to see more of it.
Saturday July 25 05:56:58 2015
Mito Komon Request
hi, great Raffish, I wonder if you can provide with any of Mito Komon scenes. Japanese scenes are very hard to find nowadays, especially from the past. thanks so much :)
Saturday July 25 07:46:50 2015
The Bride He Brougth Online
ATT Uverse has it on-demand for free until 08/09/15
Another John
Saturday July 25 08:09:44 2015
Re: Undercover
Raffish wrote:

> Well, here we get into the question of "clip half
> the episode where she's holding her hands behind her
> back" vs. "clip the visible bondage/gag
> scenes" question,

Oh. Please don't think I was being sarcastic. As a non-gag snob, one of the reasons I used to subscribe to your old site was that, unlike MJs, you didn't confine yourself to gag scenes and I assumed, wrongly in this case, that you'd clipped even the implied bondage bits. Thanks for what you did post - as I said, it's my scene of the year so far and I would otherwise be unaware of it. And thanks also for all the other stuff you're posting - fantastic!
Saturday July 25 10:50:22 2015
Re: Undercover

I have already watched the rest of the show (only 6 half-hour episodes so far). Would recommend it.

Raffish wrote:

Saturday July 25 13:12:37 2015
Re: Undercover
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> and I assumed, wrongly in this
> case, that you'd clipped even the implied bondage bits.
> Thanks for what you did post - as I said, it's my scene
> of the year so far and I would otherwise be unaware of
> it. And thanks also for all the other stuff you're posting - fantastic!

You're most welcome, Scully, and thanks for both the compliment and the feedback.

With the old clips, I tend to cringe when I see how much I left out (not to mention those badly-automated screencaps which it tickles me to see people still posting, though ¡Ay, caramba! that looks awful). Now that we're all children of the future with big hard...drives, I'm doing a lot less editing, but still trying to find the balance between "preserve the flow" and "get to the pretty stuff with the visible ropes/gags/non-putzes."

This one was so annoying about the pretty stuff (I suspect the director was intentionally messing with us...would it have KILLED him to show one closeup of her bound hands? :) that I ended up going with the latter.

Very funny show, at any rate. Full episode (straight from the torrent) is up at the link for a limited time. Don't tell anyone.
Saturday July 25 13:59:48 2015
Astrid Veillon
And an old memory came back to me. The actress is the lovely Astrid Veillon and the french serie is Jamais 2 sans toi...t
There 2 others scenes but I don't find them


It's the ep 53, and it's in the beginning.
Saturday July 25 14:10:59 2015
Re: Undercover
> And there's my new favourite of the year. I love
>'female cop gets caught snooping and has to be kept bound > and gagged

The Brits do pretty well with policewomen tied and gagged
Saturday July 25 14:27:38 2015
Re: Undercover
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> The Brits do pretty well with policewomen tied and gagged

Can't forget this one:
Saturday July 25 14:42:40 2015
Re: Undercover
Blue Heelers, unique in that the captor is dressed as a policewoman while holding a policewoman hostage
Saturday July 25 18:49:44 2015
Re: Undercover
Raffish wrote:

> Very funny show, at any rate. Full episode (straight from
> the torrent) is up at the link for a limited time. Don't tell anyone.

Thank you very much, Raffish. Most appreciated.
Saturday July 25 20:00:25 2015
Blue Heelers - S12E37; 'Too Close' (featuring Samantha Tolj)
That Blue Heelers scene....Holy shit, what a forgotten gem! Straight back into my all-time faves it goes (on my recent ongoing list). Just listen to that LOUD, almost guttural mmpphhing; that's realism at its finest. And what a crazy-cute villain as well:
Saturday July 25 22:56:08 2015
Does anyone remember an old fashion ad with a designer tape gagged and kidnapped? It was in black and white, I think?

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