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This page is for posting links to online streaming video, Youtube and things like that. The rules are somewhat looser than Discussion. You can post and discuss mainstream and related amateur video. Do not post clips from commercial videos. It's usually not that hard to tell the difference.

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Sunday August 16 00:18:27 2015
Re: Unter Uns Scene Request
8127 wrote:

> Saw this screen cap on the discussion page and was
> wondering if anyone had the scene because I can't seem to
> find it any where. Thanks.

Found this, need one of the Germans here to translate;
Sunday August 16 00:27:55 2015
Re: scene id ??
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Anyone have this scene downloaded somewhere?
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mj0n6BRIXYQ&list=WL&am
> p;index=151

Copyright mafia blocked it
Sunday August 16 00:29:27 2015
Re: scene id ??
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mj0n6BRIXYQ&list=WL&am
> p;index=151
Copyright mafia blocked it

I know this sucks. It was available a while ago but not anymore. Anyone know the name by any chance?
Sunday August 16 03:03:24 2015
Re: Unter Uns Scene Request
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Found this, need one of the Germans here to translate;

How about a Google translation?
Here is what I got:

Rolf kidnapped Britta
Rolf has seen through that Britta has her love played him in recent weeks, only to elicit his confession that he killed Rebecca. And he also knows that Malte and Rufus cooperate with it. Rolf comes over icy fury. He worried a gun and decides to settle accounts with the three ...

Rolf puts his deadly plot against the three allies into action. He kidnapped Britta in Cologne container port and locks them in a container. He binds and gags her, so she can not run away. Then he lures Malte and Rufus sent on their trail to every three to gather at this remote place and kill.

His plan works. Malte searches Britta on the container area and finally found it in one of the containers. He sees them bound and gagged sitting on a chair. When Britta Malte sees, it would actually be easier, because now the salvation is near. But Britta breaks in panic screaming - the extent permitted by the gag - and begins furiously tugging at her bonds. Because she sees that behind Malte someone has entered the container - Rolf ...
Gnott Germann
Sunday August 16 03:23:04 2015
Re: Unter Uns Scene Request
Pure poetry, that. Google Translate for president.
Sunday August 16 04:10:45 2015
Re: Frances Mcdormand interview
Zahir / Nox wrote:

> press attention
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2OmVGLeJGc

Thanks. That was one of the more interesting interviews. I never thought I would ever hear an actress say she wished she would of emoted behind her gag!
Sunday August 16 13:29:53 2015
Anyone have that scene from Coliandro downloaded somewhere? It has a girl with wrap around tape gag

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