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This page is for posting personal ads looking to trade scenes. All transactions are the responsibility of the parties involved. Everyone dealing here should be aware that providing an adult tape to a minor is likely illegal, and could result in prosecution. Also, dealing copies of commercial tapes may be in violation of the copyright laws. The Moderator will make no attempt to police this board.

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Thursday October 26 01:05:21 2006
(From Discussion)
Dannysuling wrote:

> BTW: Did Bindher ever clean up the bad link in your
> latest update?

Bindher doesnt do the design work for the site, he just generously hosts it. I was unable to have FTP access this week in order to fix the broken link until tonight, but I'll be keeping that video up for another week so people will still have time to download it.
Thursday October 26 10:22:07 2006
Re: (From Discussion)
Anubis wrote:

> I'll be keeping that video up for another week so people
> will still have time to download it.

Thanks so much for responding, and for the hard work. I'm sure there are lots of folks out there who are appreciative of all your efforts--whether they say so or not.
Thursday October 26 12:55:09 2006
Youtube and Tivo
Posted this in discussion and was told to try here. Newbie, so please be paitent.

1) youtube flicks - is it view only? or, is there a way to save the clips?

2) Tivo use - I now have 2 Tivos (1 HD) and I am always using them to record the VCR alerts posted here. I bought a video capture device (Plextor digital video convertor PX-M402U) in order to go from my old camcorder or the Tivo box right to the PC. I have tried to capture while playing a saved program, but no video will go out, just audio. I think that I have to use the "save to VCR" feature with the Tivo? I'm going to try that next and then I can start saving movies and clips to burn on DVD or CD.

I currently have my wishlist set up for keywords like abducted, abduct, gag, gagged, tied, bound, kidnap, kidnapped, kidnapping, etc etc and I do get lucky sometimes and catch some scenes.

I would like to get more involved with the mainstream TV/movie DiD clips and would appreciate your advice or assistance, thanks!
Thursday October 26 19:22:56 2006
Re: Youtube and Tivo
Nitro wrote:

I would like to get more involved with the mainstream
TV/movie DiD clips and would appreciate your advice or assistance, thanks!

No idea what you want to do - but the extra input is appreciated - maybe you can clarify?

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