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This page is for posting personal ads looking to trade scenes. All transactions are the responsibility of the parties involved. Everyone dealing here should be aware that providing an adult tape to a minor is likely illegal, and could result in prosecution. Also, dealing copies of commercial tapes may be in violation of the copyright laws. The Moderator will make no attempt to police this board.

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Wednesday October 25 00:29:38 2006
Re: Dannysuling- Teukbyeol Susabonbu aka Police Investigation
Jay L wrote:

> Which specific eps?
> I, or majorjohns.com, or ? may still have them

I've got 11893, 11849, 11916, 12291.

One of the things I've noticed about the clips I have for this show, on a strictly visual basis since I don't speak Korean, is that the plot contours seem really similar: characters act the same, react the same, make the same gestures, etc. Sometimes these contours arc over the entire show, sometimes it's 3-4 mini-contours within an episode, but the feel is always the same, to this viewer, anyway.

I suppose this is not really a surprise, since most of the cheesy "reality crime shows" in the U.S. follow the same approach. Even the lower-level of fictional crime dramas evidence the same non-innovative approach to plot development. It's only when you get to the big ticket dramas, like "Law and Order" etc., that the writers are more inventive across a range of episodes.

One suspects that, despite both the obvious and also the more tacit cultural differences, Asian TV drama (except for animation, like anime) borrows a lot from western shows and western drama writing, at least in the crime genre. One wonders if a wider range of experience with Korean TV would produce counter evidence. Be nice if a Korean colleague would be able to comment on this. Or someone familiar with the Japanese scene.

Anyway, if you've got some of the others on clips, I'd love to see them.


Wednesday October 25 00:44:14 2006
Re: Tierras de Pasiones; scenes for didclip hosts (moved from The Discussion Page)
Just curious, did anyone happen to get caps or clips of this scene? I'm curious since it involves AOH and a hottie of a woman in Gaby Spanic. FYI, if anyone has a place to host, I can probably pass on a clip of her AOH whipping scene in "Prisionera".

On that topic, I have some bondage scenes that havent been put up by our vidclip mavens (Raff, Anubis, etc) as far as I know such as Gina Lee Nolin (AOH) in "Sheena", Skylar Nicholas and Lisa Comshaw (AOH) in "Lolita 2000", Heather Thomas (chair) in "Cyclone". Guys, feel free to contact me if you want me to give these to you.
Wednesday October 25 01:33:56 2006
Re: Dannysuling- Teukbyeol Susabonbu aka Police Investigation
"I've got 11893, 11849, 11916, 12291.
if you've got some of the others on clips, I'd love to see them."

Appears you got the one's off majorjohns.com, aka "the gagged ones"
which means you got this one from the site recent:

This Cap

Record number: 12290
Title: Police Investigation
Medium: TV Series
Actress: Unknown

Description: Episode: Unknown

Korea's Exhibit A, or FBI Files type show. This ep featuring the CSI crew, a woman is shown bound wrists behind, tape gagged and struggling on the floor
Jay L
Wednesday October 25 07:35:38 2006
Re: This has to stop... (moved from The Discussion Page)
AsbestosFilter wrote:

To elaborate - a site with caps only would probably be fairly inexpensive because you could be on 'shared hosting'
But if you get into video material, providers will insist that you be on a 'dedicated' server (on shared hosting plans, you'd be crashing other sites every time you updated).
This is where the price for hosting skyrockets.
Wednesday October 25 12:07:43 2006
Re: This has to stop... (moved from The Discussion Page)
AsbestosFilter wrote:

> Most people
> don't care enough to spend the time to create
> their own clips for trade
> not going to get
> inbox flooded with clips that other people throw out at
> you

Realise there some (mostly in US),
whom love to send you something new, but are often beaten to it. Already seen what they're offering, so sort of have to cut them abit of a break.

But hey,
you never traded tapes so they know where you from,
or some of our US friends nice enough to email that YooTube-Weird Al video link
Certainly glad I didn't miss that one. ;)
Jay L
Wednesday October 25 14:31:54 2006
Re: Dannysuling- Teukbyeol Susabonbu aka Police Investigation
Jay L wrote:

> which means you got this one from the site recent:
> This Cap
> Record number: 12290
> Title: Police Investigation
>This ep
> featuring the CSI crew, a woman is shown bound wrists
> behind, tape gagged and struggling on the floor

Jay--Bingo! When I originally pulled it down it wasn't ID-ed by anyone, so it simply went into an "unknown Asian TV" folder. But it was easily to track down. Thanks for the pointer!

That makes five episodes.

Ya got any others?




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