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Trading Forum

This page is for posting personal ads looking to trade scenes. All transactions are the responsibility of the parties involved. Everyone dealing here should be aware that providing an adult tape to a minor is likely illegal, and could result in prosecution. Also, dealing copies of commercial tapes may be in violation of the copyright laws. The Moderator will make no attempt to police this board.

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Tuesday November 28 01:56:42 2006
Tech Question about Pass Around Clips
Steph's post had me wondering.

Aside from the obvious threat of viruses or other infections, is there a noticeable loss of quality the more times a clip is passed around? What about downloads from a server? Is that the same thing? Is there any way to tell how many times a clip has been passed around? Or are most quality problems a product of poor source material (i.e. crappy vhs recording)?
I know vcr's quality varies widely. Is that the same with DVR's? Thanks for the info.
Big MT
Tuesday November 28 02:31:28 2006
Re: Tech Question about Pass Around Clips
Big MT wrote:

> Aside from the obvious threat of viruses or other
> infections, is there a noticeable loss of quality the
> more times a clip is passed around?

Unless the clip is actually re-encoded, simply copying, moving or downloading a video file does not degrade the video/audio.
Tuesday November 28 02:37:24 2006
Re: Tech Question about Pass Around Clips
Big MT wrote:

> Steph's post had me wondering.
> Aside from the obvious threat of viruses or other
> infections, is there a noticeable loss of quality the
> more times a clip is passed around? What about downloads
> from a server? Is that the same thing? Is there any way
> to tell how many times a clip has been passed around?

Can't say I understood what Stephanie was getting at with that particular post, but there's no quality loss inherent in simply passing a clip around or downloading it multiple times. What *does* generally cause quality loss is any recompression, even recompression into the same format with the same quality settings as the original. It's a lot like dubbing VHS tapes. Any time you expand and recompress video, it tends to reduce detail and introduce artifacts. So, for instance, that's why YouTube clips often don't look so good: not because there's anything inherently wrong with the FLV format they use, but because they're adding an extra decompression/recompression step to what in many cases was already borderline-quality video. (Plus, in most cases they're also blowing the clip up beyond its original resolution, which is another excellent way to make it look like crap.)

> Or
> are most quality problems a product of poor source
> material (i.e. crappy vhs recording)?
> I know vcr's quality varies widely. Is that the same
> with DVR's? Thanks for the info.

It's usually less noticeable with a digital source. Clips from DVR will almost always look better than clips from VHS, but they can suffer just as easily from bad reception etc.
Tuesday November 28 02:46:22 2006
Re: Michelle Pfeiffer (moved from The Discussion Page)
zorak wrote:

> (unsigned poster) wrote:
> > There are hundreds of caps at this site of the show from
> > 1980. Maybe one link has the scene but it's a screwed up
> > site,
> Oh, it's screwed up alright

Yeah, can't say I'd seen anything quite like that before. But since it only took five minutes, I whipped up a local web page that would let me view all the caps at once. End result: no DiD-related images on the site as far as I can tell.
Tuesday November 28 12:31:09 2006
Re: Tech Question about Pass Around Clips
Raffish wrote:

> Can't say I understood what Stephanie was getting at with
> that particular post

Don't believe you around in the early days? But this common complaint.
My case back then,
everyone had lists/grail lists and there'd be a wanted scene airing here. So idea was, get a loop going so the original tape made it to everyone. Everyone gets & saves money, etc.
But not what happened.
During these GM type- multiple trades, copies were mixed up with the original and you'd get this scene looking like it was filmed during a snowstorm

Joke at the time, some guys emailing me wanting the original and of course it was down in the US? somewhere. So they wanted it taped again. This time, they the "1st round"
Like said,
felt though abunch of GMs doing deals.

Understand this,
then you'll understand majorjohns.com likes to make a particular style clip for their Collector DVDs. Best need the full show in 1st, or 2nd round.
As often irritation expressed with getting a 4th round (snowstorm)/edited to the collector's particular preferences tape.

figure I out-typed Pat Powers here
Jay L
Tuesday November 28 21:13:02 2006
Re: Tech Question about Pass Around Clips
Jay L wrote:

> During these GM type- multiple trades, copies were mixed
> up with the original and you'd get this scene looking
> like it was filmed during a snowstorm

Gotcha. Didn't realize she was talking about "hard" media as opposed to digital clips.

I remember similar frustrations from the days of music tape trees. Hard to believe what we put ourselves through before the days of MP3, Ogg Vorbis, and FLAC...

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