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This page is for posting personal ads looking to trade scenes. All transactions are the responsibility of the parties involved. Everyone dealing here should be aware that providing an adult tape to a minor is likely illegal, and could result in prosecution. Also, dealing copies of commercial tapes may be in violation of the copyright laws. The Moderator will make no attempt to police this board.

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Sunday December 17 01:23:05 2006
Re: Get Smart
Jay L wrote:

> Where'd you rent this? Rogers store?
> If the Honourable One is in it, should be good for
> laughs

Hahaaaa, always the comedian! Given the Rogers we-do-everything-except-prostitution approach to entertainment and media, I wouldn't be suprised if the old Rogers store sold a few porns on the side. I actually hackcoughpiratedcoughweeze the film, cuz' on Yonge it costs a crazy 80 or so CANADIAN dollars!

You'll see what I mean once I've clipped this one for you, it IS Harper. The agreement was that if we send additional troops to the Middle East the PM gets to make an appearance in a high budget American porn.
Sunday December 17 01:37:44 2006
Thank you
Jay L wrote:

> dg wrote:

> Actually, I had looked this up for Dannysuling. Well as
> two others. This show & "Lawyers"
> Check your email box

Jay L,

Thank you for your generosity. I came home tonight and found no less than 4 scenes waiting for me in my mailbox. Talk about instant gratificataion!

Perhaps you can answer this question: I wonder if many new, big-budget female stars get the treatment in Korea? You know, the way someone like, for instance, Kare Hudson or Jessica Alba does here. Is there a Korean Heather Locklear or Teri Hatcher? I'd be curious, obviously.

Anyway, thank you again for the prompt delivery of the clips. I read your posts all the time and you are truly an asset to the community.
Sunday December 17 02:04:39 2006
Re: Pirates
X wrote:

> I actually
> hackcoughpiratedcoughweeze the film, cuz' on Yonge it
> costs a crazy 80 or so CANADIAN dollars!

Better just off Yonge at the BMV store on Edward. (Beside Biggest Bookstore). The back is where they have trade in porns. More reasonable priced.
Well as,
they have some great bondage porn from asia in there at times
Jay L
Sunday December 17 02:35:47 2006
Re:DG Post- Korean Actress?
"Jay L,
I came home tonight and found no less than 4 scenes waiting for me in my mailbox."

Check again, as you should have got more than 4.
You had good timing as I was gathering up same for Dannysuling. (the other chap in the email)

"Perhaps you can answer this question: I wonder if many new, big-budget female stars get the treatment in Korea? You know, the way someone like, for instance, Kare Hudson or Jessica Alba does here. Is there a Korean Heather Locklear or Teri Hatcher? I'd be curious, obviously."

Don't know.
There's some Italian guys that post here whom are more into the Japan/Korea babes and likely answer your question

Taking a shot,
perhaps Lee Young-Ae?
as that Dae Jang-geum aka Jewel In The Palace soap appeared popular?
I made a bunch of clips from that but most were no gaggers and I might have missed an additional gag scene?
Jay L
Sunday December 17 15:54:23 2006
Re: Re:DG Post- Korean Actress?
Jay L wrote:

> "Jay L,
> I came home tonight and found no less than 4 scenes
> waiting for me in my mailbox."
> Check again, as you should have got more than 4.

Oh, indeed! I just checked and there were another 3 in my mailbox since my last visit. I'm just about to watch them.

Thanks again!
Sunday December 17 19:45:17 2006
Does anyone have the scene(s) from the film "Malevolence"? Only from the caps I have seen it looks quite good. If anyone could let me know it would be most appreciated.

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