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Trading Forum

This page is for posting personal ads looking to trade scenes. All transactions are the responsibility of the parties involved. Everyone dealing here should be aware that providing an adult tape to a minor is likely illegal, and could result in prosecution. Also, dealing copies of commercial tapes may be in violation of the copyright laws. The Moderator will make no attempt to police this board.

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Tuesday January 16 01:00:43 2007
Re: Discussion Page - Possible Image Hassles Solution?
Brian wrote on Discussion:
"Even if I could do image processing, and trust me I can't"
"If people are worried, let me know by consensus and I will remove the capability for inline images."

Of course, considering Brian normally does things he can do to make it easier for the group.
But I'm trying to search for a solution for this problem from favouring http://www.annoyances.org/

Have to work on that:


For laughs,
as the Moderator allow more leeway here, "the problem":
Northern California US, aka Bay Area gals were cracking acid at Southern California, US (particularly Los Angeles) & it's media whom they felt based their opinions to agree with that of movie star's .
It's too late to look up exact spelling here but basically "because Sandy Bullock watches Kings and favours Anze Kopitar (sp?), then all agree Kopitar should be Rookie of Year. Poor Shark's rookie Joe Pavelski (sp?) only gets credit on the Bay Area "Sharks Bite" show" sqwack - it's not fair!- sqwack, etc etc.

So some goof takes this as "Talking about Stars = post photos of Stars" and particular (Brittany Spears?) upskirts images livened things up. It brought to his attention that young ones visit that board, but he just has to post his images. And of course, instigators already in on it
"Great, a photo of Sandra Bullock, does anyone have a pic of Jennifer Anniston?, or President GW Bush? I've never seen and don't know how to use Google!" blather blather

Brian likely come to the defence of the Moderator for deleting the whole thing, (Their union - Solidarity, etc), but those nude Celeb picks sure made an interesting Top Rookie discussion before the axe fell- annoyances.org? solution mentioned
Jay L
Tuesday January 16 17:52:24 2007
Re: Discussion Page - Possible Image Hassles Solution?
"trying to search for a solution for this problem from favouring http://www.annoyances.org/"

Well so much for using Shark posters example.
Appears the sjsharks.com Moderator has responded in a rather heavy handed way to inappropriate images:

"The Sharks Chatroom has been shutdown indefinitely due to repeated inappropriate abuse of the system. This decision is in response to the high volume of postings containing sexually explicit language, cyber sex links, junk mail, unacceptable or inflammatory language and more. We do not wish to have the Sharks organization, our fans, or our sponsors associated in any manner with this material and, considering the many youth who regularly visit sjsharks.com, wish to avoid serving as a conduit for those individuals attempting these improper communications. Lastly, due to the increased volume of such inappropriate content, monitoring of the chatroom has required numerous staff hours that are better allocated toward more positive and productive efforts."

I guess anyone recall those exact messages for Mozilla-forums? ;)
Jay L
Tuesday January 16 19:46:22 2007
Making a cap (moved from The Discussion Page)
Can anyone briefly give me an idea of how I can make a decent grab from a dvd? Can I do this completely on my computer?
Tuesday January 16 21:13:40 2007
Re: Discussion Page - Possible Image Hassles Solution?
Jay L wrote:

> anyone recall
those exact messages for Mozilla-forums? ;)

Tuesday January 16 21:16:45 2007
Re: Making a cap (moved from The Discussion Page)
Kang wrote:

> Can anyone briefly give me an idea of how I can make a
> decent grab from a dvd? Can I do this completely on my
> computer?

Use DvDShrink to export portion to hard drive. Use VirtualDub-MPEG2 to saveas a avi with no compress. Open this avi and use VirtualDub to make vicaps

Tuesday January 16 22:14:46 2007
AMC full scene
Record number: 6749

Title: All My Children
Medium: Soap Opera
Actress: Elizabeth Hendrickson

Description: From February 22-March 5,2002

Maggie (Hendrickson) was tied to a wheelchair wrists tied to the chair arms with rope by psycho Vanessa. Lots of leg shown by Maggie as she struggles in the chair. First scene takes place in an apartment with no gag. Vanessa then moves Maggie to a shack on the docks and gags her with duct tape. Maggie is ungagged and regagged several times over several days. Lots of closeups and expressions as Hendrickson plays the scene to perfection. She also has two of the best one-liners after being ungagged. One time, she turns to Vanessa in a perfect damsel voice and pleads "Will you just let me go, please?" Vanessa just laughs at her. Later, she turns again to Vanessa and says "What are you going to do with me?" She's eventually rescued.

Does anyone have this entire scene, which according to episode guides I've read contains about 4 or 5 onscreen regaggings? Bindher posted a short clip shortly after the scene aired but it was brief and didn't cover the whole scene. I have hundreds of mainstream clips and a large number of commercial clips that I'd be happy to trade.
Tuesday January 16 23:08:58 2007
Re: Making a cap (moved from The Discussion Page)
> Kang wrote:
> > Can anyone briefly give me an idea of how I can make
> a
> > decent grab from a dvd? Can I do this completely on
> my
> > computer?

An easier way, if you're not a savvy user, is to download the VLC Player, which you can find with a quick Google search. Once installed, you can play the clip and use the "Snapshot" feature to easily grab quick caps from a DVD or video clip. The VLC Player plays many different formats, including DVD's and all associated DVD files.

Just open your DVD with VLC Player and you're there. Remember, you have to go into "Preferences" to configure what directory Snapshot captures to. Go to Settings>Preferences>Video. Under General Video Settings (where you are now), you will see the options for Snapshot capture directory and file type.

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