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Wednesday December 27 03:01:13 2006
Re: Pat Powers- Discussion Page Post
Here Pat,

"I'd like to see a show about a troop of topnotch strippers who get kidnapped and dumped on a mysterious island."

Film trying to recall had young group dropped off on a small resort island in the middle of (Mediterranean?) off season.
Warm weather dressing, but believe they resort staff? Definitely not dancers.
You'll have to putter with that abit

"They have no idea where they are or who kidnapped them. Worst of all, their kidnapper has stolen all of their clothing except their g-strings and their skimpiest bras."

Yeah, the film they aware of the killer, but not identity of. Again, warm weather a factor.

"Even worse still, each night when they go to sleep, the villain ties up one or more of them in some fairly stringent bondage and removes her or them to a remote location So every morning they have to find and rescue their missing stripper friend(s) before the perilous trap their kidnapper creates for the kidnapped stripper(s) unfold,"

Okay here.
In the film, after the handgags, some were found after removed to remote locations. Unfortunately dead.
This could easily be changed in a remake

"then spend some time holding her and stroking her to make her feel all better."

Sure that was in the film

"They don't have to worry about food because their captor leaves them a big pot of delicious gruel every morning along with a huge jug of clean water and a few tubes of sun blocker."

Resort employess. Access to all that

"And the one thing they do every afternoon is go to the beach and practice their stripping routines, as an artcile of faith that they will escape from the island and will need to strip for a living again, then take a nice skinny dip in the tropical surf to cool down."

Had that too, except stripping due to it being a mixed group and the usual nude action leading up to "AHH!" discovering dead body interruption

Believe there a rigged crossbow scene that took out one of the guys before the lead could make aware?
Thought of a japan horror with a similar scene using a B&G'd gal that was better
To me,
great possibility a less blood remake could show up. 2 to 3 (stripperless) scenes?
Unless more prefer right into hack/slash/blood same as the film?
Jay L
Wednesday December 27 10:09:46 2006
Youtube vid

the goat wrote:
It looks like there should be more to the
scene than this short clip Any ideas please?

Italian soap Vivere - whoever posted it cut out 5min or more from the original.

I asked about the youtube scene above, does anyone have the full scene please?
The Goat
Wednesday December 27 15:43:41 2006
Re: Youtube vid
The Goat wrote:
I asked about the youtube scene above, does anyone have
the full scene please?

Wednesday December 27 17:25:15 2006
Re: Youtube vid
Majorjohns.com volume 12B

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