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Thursday December 07 13:08:16 2006
Re: YouTube ID (moved from The Discussion Page)
Raffish wrote:
> And this helped me realize that a bunch of the
> multi-parters weren't labeled as such, which is now fixed, so thanks for bringing it up.

Quick Question: How long will the Days clip be available on your site? Also do you take suggestions for future clips? If yes, how about these:
Barbara Crampton(Maggie) from TB&TB
Joanna Johnson(Caroline 1992 scene) from TB&TB
Sonia Satra from GL when she was wearing the red dress and pantyhose
Kelly Ripa(Hayley 1990 scene) from AMC when she was young and caught by the bungling kidnappers
Thursday December 07 13:11:00 2006
Re: YouTube ID (moved from The Discussion Page)
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Quick Question: How long will the Days clip be available
> on your site?

The guest clips rotate on Fridays -- or sometimes on Thursday nights, though I'll hold off this week to give interested parties a little extra time.

> Also do you take suggestions for future clips?

Certainly! Probably best to keep them off Discussion and post them on Trades, though, or email me if you want to make really sure I'll see them.

As for this batch of suggestions, let's see...I don't have the Kelly Ripa scene, and while the Sonia Satra scene is awesome, I just posted it a month ago. The Joanna Johnson scene I can do, and ditto for let's say the first half of the Barbara Crampton scene. Look for 'em on Friday...
Thursday December 07 15:11:56 2006
Re: YouTube ID
> Uh Raffish?
> I just downloaded the Days clip but I don't know where to find it on my computer. No screen popped up telling me where to send it. When it downloads, where is it saved?

On the assumption that this question from Discussion will be joining the answer here shortly:

The default location for downloads should be specified in your browser preferences. If you can't locate the clip that way, you can also use the Windows search feature to search on the name of the file. Finally, if you want to download the clip to a specific location, you can right-click on the link and choose that option from the pop-up menu.

> One more thing. The site called this clip part 2. Do you have a part 1?

I do, as well as a part 3 and a part 4.

> Could you post it on YouTube?

Hrm. In general, I'm taking at least a temporary break from posting my clips to YouTube. With almost 2000 clips on my site, I was getting a lot of requests for that, and it was starting to cut seriously into the time and energy that I have for DiD stuff -- and often for very little benefit to anyone, given YouTube's increasing tendency to come along and delete clips (and sometimes entire user accounts, which has happened to me twice) for copyright reasons. I much prefer to take requests for clips to be added to my weekly guest updates.

Having said that, I may be willing to make a YouTube exception for multi-parters, since I like to prioritize for variety in the guest updates. Seems like there's a fair amount of interest in this scene, so I'll see what I can do after I finish plotting tomorrow's offerings.
Thursday December 07 16:27:23 2006
You Tube Help
If you have not previewed the vidclip, then copy/paste the web address on the http://www.keepvid.com site.

Follow the following sets will get what you need.

Now if you pulled up the you tube web page the clip is on and watched the entire clip, the file is store in your temporary internet cache. You will need to copy the internet folder to a new location. In XP, go to the Folder called Documents and Settings on your hard drive (generally C:). Open folder with the username that applies to what the username (ie civil). Then open the folder called Local Settings and you should find the folder called Temporary Internet Files.

Now right click on it to bring up a menu, then select COPY. Then go back to the desktop and right-click over an empty space and select paste.

Once it is copied, all your "get_video" will be there in various folders. You will have many folders and will take time to find all files. Rename them before you move them to another location. Once all get_video are renamved and moved, delete this copy of the internet files. DO NOT DELETE THE TEMP INTERNET FILE IN THE DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS.

Word of advise. You should always use the keepvid.com website and avoid doing the above time consuming work.

Hope this helps.
Thursday December 07 16:51:27 2006
Re: YouTube ID
Raffish wrote:
> The default location for downloads should be specified in
> your browser preferences. If you can't locate the clip
> that way, you can also use the Windows search feature to
> search on the name of the file. Finally, if you want to
> download the clip to a specific location, you can
> right-click on the link and choose that option from the
> pop-up menu.

Well, here's what I did. I deleted the shortcut before you responded because I wasn't sure if the clip was still there or not. So just now, I downloaded it again, right-clicking it to a speicific location. Now nothing popped up saying "This file has already been downloaded" or anything, so does that mean the clip was erased when I deleted the shortcut? I'm just curious. If this worked, merci beaucoup.
Thursday December 07 17:31:04 2006
Re: YouTube ID
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Well, here's what I did. I deleted the shortcut before
> you responded because I wasn't sure if the clip was still
> there or not. So just now, I downloaded it again,
> right-clicking it to a speicific location. Now nothing
> popped up saying "This file has already been
> downloaded" or anything, so does that mean the clip
> was erased when I deleted the shortcut? I'm just curious. If this worked, merci beaucoup.

I think it's actually a bit more likely that you were originally streaming directly to RealPlayer, so that the clip was stored as a temporary file if it was stored at all. Hmm, that doesn't explain why there would be a shortcut, though. I can't say for sure, especially since I don't use Windows. If you're really curious, again, you could always search on the filename. But I probably wouldn't worry about it too much.
Thursday December 07 18:56:23 2006
Stephanie Cameron "Days" scene on YouTube
Okay, I've tossed this one up. It's in four parts: first part is at the link, and the rest should be easy enough to find from there.

They're not all done processing yet, so if they don't show up, try back in a few.
Thursday December 07 23:38:18 2006
Re: YouTube ID (moved from The Discussion Page)
Uh Raffish?

I just downloaded the Days clip but I don't know where to find it on my computer. No screen popped up telling me where to send it. When it downloads, where is it saved? How could I access it to say save it on disk? It played on RealPlayer, but how would I find it? Is it in the harddrive? Also, and this just if, if I didn't want the clip and wanted to delete, could I just look it up and put in the Recycle Bin?

One more thing. The site called this clip part 2. Do you have a part 1? Could you post it on YouTube?

Thursday December 07 23:38:37 2006
Re: YouTube ID (moved from The Discussion Page)
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Uh Raffish?
> I just downloaded the Days clip but I don't know where to
> find it on my computer.

I found the 32Kb shortcut to the file. Now I'm just trying something but what if, hypothetically speaking, I deleted the shortcut, what about 7MB clip itself? Is it still on the computer, and where?
Thursday December 07 23:58:08 2006
Unknown Spanish scene
Does anyone know where I can find this scene? It is from what I believe is either a Spanish soap or series in which a blonde-haired woman puts a drug in the drink of a dark-haired woman wearing a red jacket, and then ties her up and gags her with an OTM gag in the living room of an apartment? The scene is quite long and used to be on YouTube, but I've looked for it on there recently and have been unable to find it (perhaps it was removed). Thanks to anyone who can help me.

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