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This page is for posting personal ads looking to trade scenes. All transactions are the responsibility of the parties involved. Everyone dealing here should be aware that providing an adult tape to a minor is likely illegal, and could result in prosecution. Also, dealing copies of commercial tapes may be in violation of the copyright laws. The Moderator will make no attempt to police this board.

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Tuesday November 07 11:33:38 2006
Holy grails (moved from The Discussion Page)
I was wondering if anybody out there could help me with this. I've been looking for 3 scenes for ages i was wondering if anybody on this site had them.

I'm after stacy keibler handgagging by victoria, Ashley Massaro tied up by Mickie and lita aka amy dumas scene form dark angel.

If anybody could help that would be fantastic will be more than willing to trade for them
Tuesday November 07 14:20:07 2006
Re: Holy grails (moved from The Discussion Page)
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> I'm after stacy keibler handgagging by victoria, Ashley
> Massaro tied up by Mickie and lita aka amy dumas scene
> form dark angel.

First of all, who are you? And how do we reach you?

Second, it might help all of us who could help you if you were clear about what you're looking for. I'm taking a wild guess (because I don't watch any of these kinds of shows) that the first two grails you're listing are wrestling shows, yes?

Please post some sort of ID, and then I'll take a look at what I've got.
Tuesday November 07 14:25:54 2006
Re: Holy grails (moved from The Discussion Page)
Dannysuling wrote:
> First of all, who are you? And how do we reach you?
> Second, it might help all of us who could help you if you
> were clear about what you're looking for. I'm taking a
> wild guess (because I don't watch any of these kinds of
> shows) that the first two grails you're listing are
> wrestling shows, yes?
> Please post some sort of ID, and then I'll take a look at what I've got.

Yeah sorry for that. I'm still new to this forum and first off sorry for posting in the wrong section. These are the scenes i'm after from the database.

Title: WWE RAW
Medium: TV Series
Actress: Stacy Keibler

Description: From 2002 storyline, after Test won a match Stacy told him to take a shower or sumptin and they'll celebrate. After he left Victoria hand-gagged her from behind. Stacy starts mmphhing and Victoria tells her if she screams it will be the last time.

Title: WWE RAW
Medium: TV Series
Actress: Amy Dumas aka Lita

Description: Lita is shown on the monitor telling Matt Hardy that she doesn't love him. She starts to cry, saying she can't do it, and the camera pulls away to show she's tied to a chair (wrists bound to armrests with rope and ankles tied together, although her leg bounds are only visable from a distance as Matt finds her) with Kane as her captor.

After the commercial break, Matt Hardy finds and unties her. No gag.

Title: WWE RAW
Medium: TV Series
Actress: Ashley Massaro

Description: In the March 20th 2006 episode, a big box gift-wrapped in the ring. The box lifted to reveal a person sitting with a cloth over them. When Trish came out, Mickie pulled off the cloth to reveal Ashley tied to a metal chair, hands behind, ankles tied, with a black cleave gag. Trish almost untied her, but Mickie attacked Trish. Ashely fell to the ground, hands still tied behind her. She squirms around on the floor of the ring for abit.

Title: WWE Raw
Medium: TV Series
Actress: Melina Perez

Description: In an ep airing Oct 1st 2006, Between 30 to 45 minutes into the show Jeff Hardy has an interview with Maria to celebrate his win over Melina's boyfriend. Melina interrupts the interview and begins to scream into the microphone, Jeff proceeds to handgag her for a few seconds. He releases her once more and she starts screaming again so he once again covers her mouth.

A fun little segment, Melina is very hot so worthwhile

Well that's about it hope it clears it up.
Tuesday November 07 14:30:57 2006
Re: Passions clip
Dannysuling wrote:
Any chance of making it available for download?

I added a link at the VERY bottom of the main-page that you can right click on.


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