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This page is for posting personal ads looking to trade scenes. All transactions are the responsibility of the parties involved. Everyone dealing here should be aware that providing an adult tape to a minor is likely illegal, and could result in prosecution. Also, dealing copies of commercial tapes may be in violation of the copyright laws. The Moderator will make no attempt to police this board.

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Saturday November 11 01:17:39 2006
Canuck acid/Vote/Senators/Malkin - Humour on FOX channel?
More than likely this what snarking on down there: the firemuckler.ca site ?
he's got a firemurray.ca as well
Seeing how they shut down Malkin & Crosby tonight,
perhaps those "Don't fire him" votes will go up?

What? a month in and all that acid,
how'd you like to be married to some of that lot if they don't make the PO's, or go out in 1st round? ;)
Jay L
Saturday November 11 09:49:03 2006
Clip from Vanished
Thought a few here may enjoy this

Saturday November 11 18:34:52 2006
Hodet Over Vannet
I obtained one of my Holy Grails recently, a DVD of
"Hodet Over Vannet", the instructional video concerning
the risks of too loose hogties produced by the Norwegian
government, and remade later as "Head Above Water" with
Cameron Diaz. I have made a clip file of the 4 bondage
scenes in this movie, and would be happy to send it
to any of the folks running a clip site (Raffish, etc)
if one of them wants it. The file is 108 MBytes, and
I'd prefer to FTP it if possible. As the DVD box
says - "Herlig frekkis", which I assume means "Includes topless rowboating scene".
Abu Zalaam

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