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This page is for posting personal ads looking to trade scenes. All transactions are the responsibility of the parties involved. Everyone dealing here should be aware that providing an adult tape to a minor is likely illegal, and could result in prosecution. Also, dealing copies of commercial tapes may be in violation of the copyright laws. The Moderator will make no attempt to police this board.

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Monday November 06 00:24:28 2006
Nancy Sinatra
Hey guys. Does anyone have her scene from The Man From U.N.C.L.E.? Sounds like a good one, and I don't think I've even seen so much as a screencap ..
Monday November 06 06:34:44 2006
Re: Nancy Sinatra
X wrote:
Hey guys. Does anyone have her scene from The Man From
U.N.C.L.E.? Sounds like a good one, and I don't think

I wouldn't lose any sleep over it - a putzfest. So much so that I taped over it.

Monday November 06 12:18:41 2006
Passions clip
I've been on the road for a few days, and am just catching up with things. I have a clip from the Nov. 3 episode of "Passions" with Emily Harper that won't play all the way through (goes for 5 sec and then freezes). I'm not sure where it came from, and probably the glitch was of my making. If anyone has this and it's working and would be willing to send it to me, I'd be willing to trade. It's the clip after the gag is removed but the blindfold is still on.

Thanks in advance.

Monday November 06 13:25:00 2006
Re: Nancy Sinatra
X wrote:

> Hey guys. Does anyone have her scene from The Man From
U.N.C.L.E.? Sounds like a good one, and I don't think
I've even seen so much as a screencap ..

You're in Toronto area, correct?
You been to the BMV store? Say as I picked this up for the collectors (and Yvonne Craig one),
2 eps to a tape, tapes run about $4 of our "Monopoly Money"

Just so you aware, if no one posts the clip from
Jay L
Monday November 06 13:31:22 2006
Dannysuling- Passions clip
"I have a clip from the Nov. 3 episode of "Passions" with Emily Harper that won't play all the way through (goes for 5 sec and then freezes). I'm not sure where it came from"

Probably me

"probably the glitch was of my making."

Don't know what to suggest
Figure take another crack at it and see if it runs full?
Jay L
Monday November 06 13:55:53 2006
Re: Dannysuling- Passions clip
Jay L wrote:

won't play all the way through (goes
for 5 sec and then freezes)

Probably a clip from our update last week that we took down and replaced with other material, since the Passions stuff was rather 'ho-hum'.
I noted the email and will fwd requested material.
Monday November 06 14:51:01 2006
Re: Passions clip
Dannysuling wrote

Was just clearing off the server, but I left that one up - much easier.

Monday November 06 14:58:22 2006
Re: Dannysuling- Passions clip
Stephanie wrote:

> Jay L
> Probably a clip from our update last week that we took
down and replaced with other material, since the Passions
stuff was rather 'ho-hum'.

Let's be fair
quite abit be "ho-hum" up against that fox in the picture.
Jay L
Monday November 06 15:31:32 2006
Re: Dannysuling- Passions clip
Jay L wrote:
quite abit be "ho-hum" up against that fox in
the picture.

I'll admit that I'm 'quite' the fox - but then again, we've only just met .....
Perhaps arrangements can be made at a later date .........

Monday November 06 19:28:11 2006
Re: Dannysuling- Passions clip
Stephanie wrote:

> I'll admit that I'm 'quite' the fox - but then again,
> we've only just met .....
> Perhaps arrangements can be made at a later date .........

You'll want to make it much later
the resident Oil fan on about the crackdown on "Free Speech" by "the Fuhrer" aka "The Great Leader"
The Great Leader was just on TV with a "we're all human-make mistakes" justification, inspiring continued discussion

Aren't you glad you're not here? ;)
Jay L
Monday November 06 19:36:30 2006
Re: Crackdown on Free Speech!
> the resident Oil fan on about the crackdown on "Free
> Speech"
> The Great Leader was just on TV

Just realised,
the way the Blues parade to the box every game
Brian is probably finding Mac-T's whine & fine humourous
Jay L
Monday November 06 19:52:21 2006
Re: Dannysuling- Passions clip
Jay L wrote:
The Great Leader was just on TV with a "we're all
human-make mistakes"

And it was ONEHELLOVA mistake!!
Mick McGeough
Monday November 06 23:12:33 2006
Re: Passions clip
Stephanie wrote:
> Was just clearing off the server, but I left that one up
> - much easier. http://www.majorjohns.com/passions2.rm

Thanks, Stephanie. That was nice of you to keep it up until I could see it. Any chance of making it available for downloading to my library? If not, not a problem. I'll catch it the next time it comes around on the guitar.



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