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Trading Forum

This page is for posting personal ads looking to trade scenes. All transactions are the responsibility of the parties involved. Everyone dealing here should be aware that providing an adult tape to a minor is likely illegal, and could result in prosecution. Also, dealing copies of commercial tapes may be in violation of the copyright laws. The Moderator will make no attempt to police this board.

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Tuesday October 24 17:11:15 2006
yet another update.
Getting rid of some more stuff that has been sitting in my "to cap" folder.

I'll probably be slowing down for the next few weeks. As always, if you want, email me.
Just for clarification, these are clips, not pictures.

Lost - 3x01 - 1 - Evangeline Lilly - Self Handcuff [wf]

Firefly - 1x09 - Ariel - Summer Glau

Walker, Texas Ranger - 7x18 - LD - No Way Out - Sheree J. Wilson

Walker, Texas Ranger - 9x12 - LD - Desperate Measures

Firefly - 1x11 - A scam artist is locked in a crate (stupid, but if you watch the series, she deserves it, sort of funny scene)

SeaQuest DSV - 3x10 - Second Chance - Rosalind Allen

Alias - 2x16 - Firebomb - Jennifer Garner

Nash Bridges - 2x16 - LD - The Web - Delia MacDougall [g]
Tuesday October 24 19:55:26 2006
Re: This has to stop... (moved from The Discussion Page)
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Let's face it; Raffish, Panty DiD Cap, Mai Li &
> Stephanie and Scythe DiDs are our only hopes for free
> clips now. Racingfan does not upload clips anymore, KaoWi
> has put all of his clips on YouTube (and it's only a
> matter of time before he gets banned, too), Danger Beach
> is gone and H only sells DVD's.
> I think I'm gonna start to empty my wallet...

I've been sending out clips (free) for a while now (I have about 200 people on my list and have sent out at least 5 gigs of caps to people who have subscribed to the list from the beginning). It's more or less private, but I haven't turned anyone down who has emailed me and asked to be added.

I also have the cap site (provided graciously by wavy) with about a thousand unique visitors and about 700 pageviews a week so I have a little bit of experience and feel that I can talk about this.

If you want to know why stuff is disappearing, here it is in a nutshell.
Most people are leeches and won't even send you a damn thank you, let alone toss you a couple bucks for hosting. They also don't care enough to spend the time to create their own clips for trade or even update the scene database.

Notice I didn't say all - some people are really great, which is why I keep on sending stuff out.

Realistically, to host a site, you're looking at about $100 in hosting a year, which isn't much, but it's $100 that you probably personally won't see much benefit from. A hundred bucks isn't a lot, but I don't think anyone here ever woke up and said "Gee, I just have this $100 bill lying here in my wallet and need to spend it."

You're not going to get a parade, laurels or have your inbox flooded with clips that other people throw out at you and because of this, sites have disappeared because of this cost.

Not very many new sites get created either, if you can't or don't want to pay that because you don't want your name linked to a did site on the net, you really have very few options.
Using rapidshare is like being kicked in the nuts by a 350 pound football player, youtube has legal ramifications and is quite frankly a waste of time if your stuff gets pulled (and the quality sucks too). Yahoo groups, etc are all useless for files over 5 mb and spammers have infested most of the groups making them useless.
You can send clips by email - in pain in the ass 10 mb chunks, but that also gets old after a while.

I've been toying around with seeding torrents or p2p in encrypted and obfuscated files, but there isn't a point to do that if nobody else will keep it alive. This would work if a fair number of people were interested in keeping the network up, but I don't think that would happen.

Having a pay site is almost impossible now, because nobody will give you a merchant account (and it will be expensive). And you'll have to deal with complaints, chargebacks, etc, etc.

DVDs don't pay all that well if you consider the time it takes to author them, the cost of media and shipping. You may also have to deal with customs which is a pain.

Even putting the dollar cost aside, you're still looking at the time it takes to put together a decent looking page and do regular updates. Or pruning the forums of retards and trolls.

The biggest problem is that a lot of these leeches have a misguided sense of entitlement and just expect everything to be served up to them. If I got a "hey I liked this clip, keep 'em coming" email from someone every day or so, I would be pretty happy and that would motivate me to cap a little more. Right now though, my motivation for capping is "crap, the hard drive is full and I need to free some room"

A lot of people show no interest whatsoever in creating their own caps - even when people are willing to help them get everything working and a capture card will cost a whopping $20. I realize that some people really can't cap much because of their situation, but it is pretty easy to get started and everyone likes trades, especially of the old stuff which I'm sure a good number of you folks have on VHS somewhere.

I've taught a few people how to make their own clips and caps (and even wrote a cap tutorial), but only a few people have been willing and those same people face the same problems with hosting and even if you do get money, it really doesn't pay all that well.
Tuesday October 24 21:24:31 2006
Re: This has to stop... (moved from The Discussion Page)
AsbestosFilter wrote:
Realistically, to host a site, you're looking at about
$100 in hosting a year ....

I agree with all of your points excepts this one.
To host OUR site is approx 1250 / month = 15K / year
A far cry from the $100 you refer to.
Tuesday October 24 21:29:36 2006
above post
Forgot to sign the above post - it's from me.
Tuesday October 24 23:03:38 2006
Re: This has to stop... (moved from The Discussion Page)
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> AsbestosFilter wrote:
> Realistically, to host a site, you're looking at about
> $100 in hosting a year ....
> I agree with all of your points excepts this one.
> To host OUR site is approx 1250 / month = 15K / year
> A far cry from the $100 you refer to.

You're also hosting a pretty serious site with a fair bit on non-didcap content and have significantly more traffic than a new site would have. Also your stuff is a bit further along the "adult entertainment" line than most did sites.
Not that anything is wrong with that ;)

Still, $1250 a month for hosting (assuming shared hosting)? Damn. I've seen colo'd servers in nice, nice datacenters with oodles of bandwidth for less than that and I don't believe you're doing anything that is really cpu intensive on that server. If you're running close to your transfer and storage limits, it might be an idea to look around for another host.
Also, in my experience with other sites, most people don't care what you host once you go colo. That's sort of a good and bad thing (if the guy next to you is spamming or running phishing scams, you need to host your email elsewhere)

I don't know about prices in Toronto though. Everything in Canada is stupidly expensive. When I was in the states, I personally hooked up people with T1s for $150 a month each, here it's more than double that (plus tax, connection fees, etc)
The consumer level stuff is dreadful here, but that's pretty much the same everywhere.

The $100 I was talking about was for a ghetto hosting solution like dreamhost, which I might actually sign up with in the next few weeks. I know it won't be 100% reliable, but I know someone who works there and will be paying a lot less than $100 a year ;)
Still, worried about legal stuff. You know how I run my current server, will probably just continue to do that on the new one.
The way I look at it, what I do is much easier to use than rapidshare and if people aren't willing to take the 3 seconds to send me an email to get access to the stuff I clip, screw 'em.
Tuesday October 24 23:12:09 2006
Re: Dannysuling- Teukbyeol Susabonbu aka Police Investigation
"I've got only four of these guys. Wonder what the others are like?"

Which specific eps?
I, or majorjohns.com, or ? may still have them
Jay L
Tuesday October 24 23:25:59 2006
Cap update
This had some broken links the first time I posted it. All working now...

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