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Trading Forum

This page is for posting personal ads looking to trade scenes. All transactions are the responsibility of the parties involved. Everyone dealing here should be aware that providing an adult tape to a minor is likely illegal, and could result in prosecution. Also, dealing copies of commercial tapes may be in violation of the copyright laws. The Moderator will make no attempt to police this board.

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Friday October 20 11:49:13 2006
More clips
If you want, email me.

Criminal Minds - 2x05 - Aftermath - Unknown
Firefly - 1x14 - Objects in Space - Jewel Staite - [wb]
Friday October 20 12:50:26 2006
Re: Smallville (moved from The Discussion Page)
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> They never showed the gag scene with the knife in front
> of her face as in the preview. The preview had two gag
> clips that were not in the show.

So did anyone get a recording of the preview?
Friday October 20 12:51:23 2006
Re: Smallville (moved from The Discussion Page)
Tapemaster wrote:

> So did anyone get a recording of the preview?

Had it, but taped over it. Didn't expect we'd get burned like this.

I have placed top promos in a safe place before, however, just in case. I remember when NBC ran the "Gridlock" promo with Kathy Ireland tape-gagged, I placed that VHS tape aside for safe keeping just in case the movie didn't air for some reason. I think I did the same with Alyssa Milano's promo gag scene in "Charmed" and Melissa George tape-gagged in "Thieves" because that show was on the brink of being canceled, and was a week later.
Friday October 20 12:52:37 2006
Re: Smallville (moved from The Discussion Page)
Tapemaster wrote:

> of her face as in the preview. The preview had two
> gag clips that were not in the show.
> So did anyone get a recording of the preview?

Check the site linked below for the two gag clips in the preview, both as short as the one in the actual show so they don't really "play" per se on video but on a still frame they look ok. These pics, or frames as it were, are much better than "the one frame" that was in the show. A major ripoff, imho.

Friday October 20 16:10:22 2006
Re: Smallville (moved from The Discussion Page)
Tapemaster wrote:

> So did anyone get a recording of the preview?

Think wavy did...
Friday October 20 21:50:32 2006
Geniuses in the Media
"You know what's the hot topic in this town? The World Series, everywhere you go..." Really? Isn't Brian R a fan of synchronised swimming by the riverboats? I don't think the Cardinals ever been mentioned on this site
Garrett = Genius
Friday October 20 21:53:24 2006
Re: Geniuses in the Media
Garrett = Genius wrote:

> Isn't Brian R a fan of synchronised swimming

Cricket & polo too
Lee Stempniak

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