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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Saturday February 01 02:09:22 2020
Audio Books
Anyone know of any audio books that have any 'mmphing' or gag talk read out by a female narrator? I know audio books brought up here in the past that have the narrator reading out the descriptions of the gag, binds etc. like the Veronica Mars audio book but none with actual gag talk.
Saturday February 01 02:24:24 2020
Re: Fav None Gag Scene
On January 31 2020 Tone wrote:

> As the title suggests what's your fav non-gag scene?

I have several, but near the top would certainly be Jennifer O'Dell's scene in the "Trophies" episode of "The Lost World." I always like to see women wearing collars, whether in or out of bondage, and the oversized animal control-like contraption she has on her here is amazing. Fairly long scene, fabulous babe in jungle bikini, hands behind... and I love it when the villain uses the collar to tilt her head back while gloating.

Saturday February 01 09:11:19 2020
Damsels In Distress
I found this nice article that might be interesting to some.

Saturday February 01 11:27:10 2020
Re: Damsels In Distress
On February 01 2020 (unsigned poster) wrote:

> I found this nice article that might be interesting to
> some.

You would think they'd mention Teri Hatcher, but noooo! Amateurs!
Saturday February 01 11:46:27 2020
Nancy Drew Book
Long scene for Nancy and Bess

Saturday February 01 12:17:10 2020
Re: Sinister Stalker tonight
On January 31 2020 (unsigned poster) wrote:

> On January 31 2020 (unsigned poster) wrote:
> > Remember, confirmed double damsel scene in tonight's
> > Sinster Stakler on Lifetime Movie Network.

Here is a cap I took off the online vid at the big Y.
This is basically all there is to it, hands zipped in front.
There are lots of close ups like this one.
And 1 running away off a couch scene. Enjoy!
Saturday February 01 14:04:43 2020
Scenes in ads
For those of you that like the advertisement bits, here's a kind of lame one that pops up on YT on occasion. I'm not sure if there's a stable link anywhere, if so someone can post to Video.


Brian R
Saturday February 01 16:37:08 2020
Re: Sinister Stalker tonight
The tape strip on the blonde actually looks pretty well-applied, the brunette's though looks really loose to the point it's not believable.
Saturday February 01 18:54:33 2020
Tik Tok App
Search for Johanna Portillo @imyouurdaddy_9

Weird tik tok clip of a kidnapper typing on a laptop and she's tied hands in front with an over the mouth black cloth pulls it down and asks "Are you going to ask me to be your Valentine??

Saturday February 01 19:29:43 2020
Re: Sinister Stalker tonight
On February 01 2020 (unsigned poster) wrote:

> The tape strip on the blonde actually looks pretty
> well-applied, the brunette's though looks really loose to
> the point it's not believable.

On the closeups, you can see a thin sliver of something black peaking out from the top of the strips of duct tape. Looks like they put something under the duct tape (bondage tape maybe) to make it not so sticky for the sake of the actresses’ lips. Understandable given the lengthy sequences and thus the number of times the tape was likely reapplied during filming.
Saturday February 01 21:19:02 2020
Re: Sinister Stalker tonight
On February 01 2020 (unsigned poster) wrote:

> On the closeups, you can see a thin sliver of something
> black peaking out from the top of the strips of duct
> tap

I noticed that too. Upon looking at the video, it appears they taped each strip of duct tape with a black piece underneath it, so it wasn't layered on their lips separately but one piece double-sided. When the blonde pulls her gag off, you can clearly see the entire inside strip of tape is dark.

Most likely black bondage tape as mentioned earlier. Really bizarre, and quite lame.
Saturday February 01 21:55:47 2020
Future Movie Releases with DID scenes
During March thru April in the Middle East & Italy, the female war film Sisters in Arms is released in theaters under its original name Red Snake. It has DID scenes with Dilan Gwyn & others.

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