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VCR Alerts

This page is for posting alerts for scenes from TV shows or movies that will be broadcast on network or cable TV in the near future. Please post general comments and questions to the Discussion page, and information about forthcoming or available movies and videos to the Movie/Video page.

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Day: Friday June 06 2014
Time: 2:05 AM Eastern
Channel: Showtime Beyond
Record number: 18116

Title: Tamara (2005)
Medium: Movie
Actress: Melissa Elias

Description: At 71min, witch Tamara comes back from the grave to get revenge on the people that killed her. In the process, she control of Kisha (Melissa). When the targeted teens come up with a plan to get rid of Tamara, Kisha tries to tell her mistress, and gets knocked cold with a punch to the jaw by Chloe (Katie Stewart).

They leave the unconscious Kisha in the back seat of their jeep, gagged with a black cleave and hands tied front and her ankles strapped together with a seat belt strap as they set a trap for the witch.

At 80 min, after some running around and violence, the teens drive to the hospital and carry the still unconscious, and still bound and gagged Kisha, into the emergency room. They lay her on a gurney and the orderlies wheel her away for treatment.

Die! Die! My Darling
Day: Friday June 06 2014
Time: 8:00 PM Eastern
Channel: Movies!
Record number: 204

Title: Fanatic (1965) aka Die! Die! My Darling!
Medium: Movie
Actress: Stefanie Powers

Description: Held prisoner by her dead fiance's mother, Ms. Powers is bound and gagged with a thick woolen cleave. She tries to alert someone at the door by thumping down a staircase. In the last twenty minutes or so (without commercials).

Prior to this, but still in the second half, she's the recipient of a relatively lengthy handgag.

Right before the gagged scene, Stefanie Powers gets another handgag as she is trying to explain to one of her captors that her cohert, assisting in getting the bonds on Ms. Powers killed her husband. The woman slaps a handgag on firmly and yells tot he other lady, "Gag and bind her!" And the gagged scene is an over the mouth detective gag which turns into a cleave gag as the scenes unfold and presumably from Ms. Powers struggles. Just as her fiance is leaving, Ms. Powers works her gag off and screams "ALLEN!!!" but alas it is too late.

The Dutchess and the Dirtwater Fox
Day: Friday June 06 2014
Time: 8:00 PM Eastern
Channel: Encore-Westerns
Record number: 3958

Title: The Duchess and the Dirtwater Fox (1976)
Medium: Movie
Actress: Goldie Hawn

Description: The Duchess (Hawn) and the Dirtwater Fox (George Segal) are staked out in the desert in one scene approx 80 minutes into the movie. They are spreadeagled on the ground head to head for about 8 minutes as they try to figure out how to escape.

There is also a nice handgag scene in some town office prior to the tied up scene.

Day: Friday June 06 2014
Time: 9:00 PM Eastern
Channel: Fox
Record number: 18137

Title: 24: Live Another Day
Medium: TV Series
Actress: Yvonne Strahovski

Description: Episode: Day 9 "4:00 - 5:00PM" (9.06)

As the screen clock ticks 4:25, Jack comes up with a scheme to get close to an arms dealer which involves turning over CIA agent Kate (Yvonne). He plans on putting her out with propofol, which should stall any interrogation by the bad guys until he's had a chance to pass on a computer virus.

He drives to the arms dealer's lair with Kate in the trunk, out cold and with her hands cuffed behind her back. Jack gets a rough welcome, but hands Kate over to the bad guys. Bad luck for Kate, they have a counter-agent for the propofol, and drag her off to be woken up and interrogated.

At 4:41 pm, they try to slap Kate awake. She is pulled into a strappado, hooked to a chain from the ceiling. They pull her completely off the ground and torture her - first by cutting her with a knife, then by soaking her and giving her electric shocks.

MI5 launches a raid on the place which interferes both with Jack's plans and the imminent execution of Kate. During the confusion Kate wraps her legs around the other guy’s neck and chokes him. She gets undone from the hook and tightens her grip on him. She grabs the knife and stabs him, with her hands still tied behind her.

She pulls her hands over her butt to get them in front of her, grabs his gun and shoots another of the terrorists.

Its hard to tell exactly how much of the footage is actually Yvonne and how much is a stunt double in this scene. Clearly, at least some of it is her, and her body angle indicates that rather than being tied in a suspended strappado she is actually being held up with a waist harness.


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