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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Wednesday February 24 06:42:57 2016
Re: Pregnant at 17 Recap LMN
Introspector wrote:
> It was different for those of us that are older- the
> discovery of a scene was done without any cable or
> internet. I actually think that the Mod's experience
> includes an era when finding a scene was much more
> difficult, and therefore more rewarding.

I was collecting scenes before the Moderator was. I started collecting in 1983 and he started collected in 1986 or 87. I don't remember which one. When I first started collecting, video tapes were 10 bucks apiece. Yes, scenes were harder to find back then and they were also a lot more scarce. You can forget about scenes from other countries. They were impossible to get. That is why I saved everything back then. Scenes were hard to collect and I wasn't going to throw any of them away. I was a member at practically every video store within a 10 mile radius. I bought a second VCR when the prices came down. I would rent about 10 videos a week. I would read the description on the video cover and rent the movie if it sounded like it might have a scene. Then I would fast forward through the movie to look for a scene. There were huge white lines across the screen when you fast forwarded. So, it was more difficult to identify a scene. You also had to put a piece of tape over the square indent in the bottom corner of the rental tape. If you didn't do that it wouldn't let you record the scene from the rental tape. It was a form of copyright protection. I preferred the mom and pop video stores as opposed to the chains. Mom and pop video stores had a bigger selection of older movies. Eventually I discovered a bound for Hollywood column in a Harmony magazine. Some dude would write about scenes in movies. So I would call around different video stores asking if they had the movie that was listed in the column. I drove over an hour to get the Barbara Eden scene from Amazing Dobermans. Sounds silly today. I would also buy movies from movie catalogs. Movies Unlimited and Critic's Choice come to mind. I ordered the Incredible Two Headed Transplant, the Ginger movies and other hard to find movies from them. When I read Brian's post in a Usenet group, I was very excited. I could find out about scenes that I had missed on my own. I traded scenes with people. It was great. This page was revolutionary when it first started. I have been here since the beginning. It wasn't a page that is all about gag scenes, like it is today. There were people with multiple interests in scenes back when Brian's Page was first created. To be honest, this discussion board part of the site is boring. All I ever read about and see caps of are gagged faces. The scene database and video page are the only parts of the site that are worthwhile. The VCR alerts page is dead. Sorry, gagster I don't mean any offense. It is more than a one man job. It works best when multiple people post alerts. People post alerts on the discussion page, they don't post alerts in the VCR alerts section.
Wednesday February 24 06:57:02 2016
Re: Pregnant at 17 Recap LMN

> I was collecting scenes before the Moderator was. I
> started collecting in 1983 and he started collected in
> 1986 or 87. I don't remember which one.

I meant to write "he started collecting in 1986 or 87."

Wednesday February 24 10:46:47 2016
Re: X-Files
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> > Yeah. Haven't watched the season finale yet, but
> when
> > Scully was taking bad guys down with her bare hands
> it
> > seemed pretty clear to me that DiD Scully was a
> thing of the past.
> She had some good scenes during past seasons so I wasn't
> too disappointed with her not getting anything. Wished we
> could've gotten something with Lauren Ambrose. Perhaps if
> the show returns for a new season she might get
> something. I'd rather see her get the treatment over Gillian, anyway.

You mean Young Scully? I wonder if the writers are grooming Miller and Einstein to take over the X-Files to keep the series going?

During Scully's narrative of past events at the beginning of the episode she mentioned she had been abducted. There was a still shot of her bound and gagged in a car trunk from the "Ascension" episode.

Wednesday February 24 11:43:02 2016
Re: Pregnant at 17 Recap LMN
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> VCR alerts page is dead. Sorry, gagster I don't mean any
> offense. It is more than a one man job. It works best
> when multiple people post alerts. People post alerts on the
> discussion page, they don't post alerts in the VCR alerts
> section.

I was thinking about this the other day, and I agree that it's a shame. Now that we have all these interweb options, knowing when a scene actually airs on broadcast/cable is generally less important, but I too appreciate Gagster's efforts and wish that more of us (including myself) took the time.

One thing that I always thought would be fantastic, but have never had the time/patience to implement, is a bot that would cross-check the TV listings against Brian's DB and post alerts automatically. Of course, you'd have to use some reasonably well-thought-out fuzzy matching, and even then you'd miss a ton of scenes and get a ton of false positives, but you'd keep tweaking it and it would get better. Someday...?
Wednesday February 24 12:53:02 2016
Re: Pregnant at 17 Recap LMN
Raffish wrote:

> (unsigned poster) wrote:
> > VCR alerts page is dead. Sorry, gagster I don't mean
> any
> > offense.

None taken. The need for the Alerts page has changed drastically since Brian first started this page. The days of needing to be aware that something is coming up, and setting the timer on the VCR is long gone. Virtually anything which comes up is available through other internet sources within minutes of broadcast. Great for completists that want to see everything, but it takes some of the challenge out of seeking out scenes.

The reality is that I don't bother scanning through the listings looking for old scenes coming up any more. I'll still post something of interest if I happen to notice it, but I'm basically looking for new things which I might want to check out.

Raf's idea of an automated alert system which checks listings and posts alerts could work, but its going to run into the same issue which made me cut down on scanning listings - the number of times the same scenes get repeated showings. The glut of stations, and the lack of original programming, means that the same shows get repeated over and over again. The last new station to pop up (at least the last one I noticed) was Heroes & Icons. They have a great line-up, with Mannix, Renegade, Wild Wild West, Simon & Simon... I posted alerts for them the first time that the good episodes popped up, but they're now on their 3rd or 4th (or 5th....) showings.

Any automated system is going to find the same shows and movies getting alerts over and over again, with anything new hidden in the flood.

Still not a bad idea of you want to work on some kind of filter to limit the number of alerts for a particular scene.

Wednesday February 24 13:17:22 2016
Re: Pregnant at 17 Recap LMN
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> You also had to put a piece of tape over the square
> indent in the bottom corner of the rental tape. If you
> didn't do that it wouldn't let you record the scene from
> the rental tape. It was a form of copyright protection.

Sorry, but your memory is faulty on this point. Tapes did have a tab in the corner and you could break out that tab if you wanted to prevent accidental erasure. If a tab had been broken out, then you could put tape over the corner to allow recording again. The only thing putting tape over the corner of a rental tape would do would allow you to record over the rental tape, which you didn't want to do.

Aside from that, your timeline parallels my own in most ways.
Wednesday February 24 16:15:28 2016
Re: Pregnant at 17 Recap LMN
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Sorry, but your memory is faulty on this point. Tapes
> did have a tab in the corner and you could break out that
> tab if you wanted to prevent accidental erasure. If a
> tab had been broken out, then you could put tape over the
> corner to allow recording again. The only thing putting
> tape over the corner of a rental tape would do would
> allow you to record over the rental tape, which you
> didn't want to do.

I never broke the tab on any of my VHS tapes. I do remember putting tape over the tab of the rental tape that I was copying a scene from. Lucky for me the scene I was copying came out fine and I never accidentally recorded over the rental tape.

Wednesday February 24 17:15:47 2016
Re: Pregnant at 17 Recap LMN
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> I never broke the tab on any of my VHS tapes. I do
> remember putting tape over the tab of the rental tape
> that I was copying a scene from. Lucky for me the scene I
> was copying came out fine and I never accidentally
> recorded over the rental tape.

Assuming Video tapes worked the same as audio ones i think this is actually correct. I never mastered the art of recording video to video myself (its one thing which is much easier in the DVD age)but i did copy music/audio tapes and Yes the pre-recorded tapes had a tab removed to prevent people recording over them accidentally or otherwise.
However this also worked as a security measure to prevent pirating and you had to cover over the tab in order to copy, effectively duping the machine into thinking you were recording from one home recorded tape to another
Moxx of Balhoom
Wednesday February 24 17:18:22 2016
Re: Pregnant at 17 Recap LMN
Gagster wrote:

> Raf's idea of an automated alert system which checks
> listings and posts alerts could work, but its going to
> run into the same issue which made me cut down on
> scanning listings - the number of times the same scenes
> get repeated showings.

Good point. A one-forum-post-per-showing format would be a trainwreck, even for the most compulsive among us.

Then again, if it could talk directly to our hack-friendly DVRs (bless you, TiVo) and load them up with a few dozen scenes a day that we could manually sort through...

It's all doable. Also waaay too much work, but it's always fun to shoot the shit.
Wednesday February 24 18:10:42 2016
Re: X-Files
> You mean Young Scully? I wonder if the writers are
> grooming Miller and Einstein to take over the X-Files to
> keep the series going?

That certainly seems to be. Not that I'd mind.
Wednesday February 24 18:25:23 2016
Re: Pregnant at 17 Recap LMN
Movie VHS boxes were also a good indicator of potential scenes if they had a DinD image at the back
Wednesday February 24 18:39:33 2016
Re: The Joy Of Sex Toys
Took these pics from the TV

Wednesday February 24 19:53:05 2016
Re: Pregnant at 17 Recap LMN
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> I was collecting scenes before the Moderator was. I
> started collecting in 1983 and he started collected in
> 1986 or 87.

That's incorrect. My first scene ever collected was
the famous Terror Among Us in 1981.

Brian R
Wednesday February 24 19:58:27 2016
Re: Pregnant at 17 Recap LMN
Brian R wrote:

> (unsigned poster) wrote:
> > I was collecting scenes before the Moderator was. I
> > started collecting in 1983 and he started collected
> in
> > 1986 or 87.
> That's incorrect. My first scene ever collected was
> the famous Terror Among Us in 1981.

Gasp! Now, I feel really young. 1990, Twin Peaks, Mädchen Amick, Episode: "7" for myself. Still have it somewhere, alhough I no longer have a VCR (need to get the complete series sometime).
Wednesday February 24 20:40:34 2016
Re: Pregnant at 17 Recap LMN
Moxx of Balhoom wrote:

> Assuming Video tapes worked the same as audio ones...the pre-recorded tapes had a tab removed to
> prevent people recording over them accidentally or
> otherwise.
> However this also worked as a security measure to prevent
> pirating and you had to cover over the tab in order to
> copy, effectively duping the machine into thinking you
> were recording from one home recorded tape to another

Nope, sorry. Having repaired many audio and video recorders, I can say with certainty that the tabs prevented accidental erasure, but that's all. Copy protection was a signal encoded into the recording that confused any other recorder trying to make a copy. Nothing to do with the tab.
Wednesday February 24 20:43:21 2016
Re: Pregnant at 17 Recap LMN
Brian R wrote:

> My first scene ever collected was
> the famous Terror Among Us in 1981.

Mine was in 1982: Play Misty for Me.

Wednesday February 24 21:21:40 2016
Re: Pregnant at 17 Recap LMN
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Brian R wrote:
> > My first scene ever collected was
> > the famous Terror Among Us in 1981.
> Mine was in 1982: Play Misty for Me.

Play Misty was definitely in my first ever 10 scenes recorded. First was Heather Locklear in "Bloodsport." That promo is still a classic and I kept it all these years. "A terrorist plot that makes everyone expendable (cut to Heather being menanced by a sword while cleave-gagged).

Wednesday February 24 21:49:18 2016
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Brian R wrote:
> > My first scene ever collected was
> > the famous Terror Among Us in 1981.
> Mine was in 1982: Play Misty for Me.

Mike was Barbara Hershey in the Kung Fu series (a rerun of course)
Wednesday February 24 23:24:51 2016
alerts page
For those of us who don't live on the discussion page 24/7 the alerts page is very necessary. I check the discussion page two or three times a week, but the alerts page I check every morning. As far as I'm concerned it's the be all and end all of this site, as I'm more interested in seeing scenes than talking about scenes.
And many thinks to all those posters who take the time and trouble to still post to the page.

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