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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Sunday February 09 00:31:38 2014
Re: Who is this
Bob wrote:

> Who is this?
> http://31.media.tumblr.com/f284ded7018931ef26f9bc86f9dd1be
> b/tumblr_mrq54kxBDp1rq3xnho1_400.gif

The very beautiful Miranda Raison in "Spooks".

Record number: 13069

Title: Spooks aka MI-5
Medium: TV Series
Actress: Miranda Raison

Description: Episode: 6.4

Jo (Raison) is on surveillance duty tailing terror suspects, but is captured at gunpoint and forced into the back seat of a car.

When the car arrives at its destination she is made to get out, one of her kidnappers then hands his colleague two strips of cloth and orders “tie her hands and mouth”.

Her hands are tied behind her back and the second cloth tied between her teeth, all on camera.

Jo is then taken to a second car and forced to lie in the boot (the trunk)

There is a metal case in the boot with her, she kicks at the latches and opens the case with her feet grunting into her gag as she does so. When the case is open she sees an LED clock and realises it is a bomb. She starts struggling frantically kicking at the sides of the boot and screaming into her gag.

Her struggles become even more frantic when the timer starts counting down from 3 minutes, but the car appears to be soundproofed somehow as she is not audible from the outside.

A fellow agent manages to get the boot open and pulls Jo out with seconds to spare before the bomb detonates, still tied and gagged she runs for safety throwing herself to the ground as the car explodes. The man makes no attempt to untie her until the dust has settled.

Action kicks off just over half way through the 1 hour episode with scenes spread throughout the second half

She is wearing a green combat jacket jeans and medium heel leather boots. The cloth used to restrain her appears to be white with a black pattern on one side. The gag as first applied is barely in her mouth but when she is in the boot becomes much tighter, cutting into the sides of her mouth.

Sunday February 09 00:40:55 2014
Re: Who is this
PS I posted a link to the scene over on Videos
Sunday February 09 00:47:16 2014
Re: Who is this

Sunday February 09 01:29:38 2014
Genuine Medieval Damsel?
Carving in the Chapter House of Southwell Minster.
Sunday February 09 20:17:02 2014
Spanish Commercial Heads Up
A few months ago there was a poster talking about seeing a loan commercial on a local spanish station where a group of bound and gagged people are shown held hostage. In the group, there was 2 damsel chicas including a hot local girl DJ wearing tight little red shorts struggling in the background. If anyone still looking for it, I came across it again on the Dallas Azteca TV affliate KAZD during late sports night show. Pretty quick but nice scene if someone could get it.

Paco the Bandit
Sunday February 09 21:27:25 2014
Re: Who is this
Bob wrote:

> Who is this?
> http://31.media.tumblr.com/f284ded7018931ef26f9bc86f9dd1be
> b/tumblr_mrq54kxBDp1rq3xnho1_400.gif

Miranda Raison in Spooks

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