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Video Page

This page is for posting links to online streaming video, Youtube and things like that. The rules are somewhat looser than Discussion. You can post and discuss mainstream and related amateur video. Do not post clips from commercial videos. It's usually not that hard to tell the difference.

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Saturday January 09 09:52:17 2016
Re: Help ID'ing a French TV scene?
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> xav wrote:
> > Record number: 8604
> > Title: Commissaire moulin, police judiciaire (2002)
> Fantastic, thanks xav and everyone!
> Now to track it down. :)

My french isn't very good but I understood some from wikipedia synopsis. I'd track down this episodes for the chance of a scene with this lady.

S6 E1 Mortelle séduction
S6 E2 Une protection très rapprochée
S6 E4 Au nom de nos enfants
S7 E2 Série noire
S7 E3 Sale bizness
S7 E4 Tensions (it might our scene)
Belts and Boots in Bondage
Saturday January 09 11:42:37 2016
Re: A que no me dejas Capítulo 121
Can't Sleep wrote:

> Scene continued and no one else picked it up so....

Here is the latest and greatest cap with the gal tied on
the bed. Just posted an hour ago.

8:20 KO 2nd gal then switch to 1st gal in garage still tied and rescued.
13:10 2nd gal walked inside house by female captor then ties her ankles on the bed.
21:25 2nd gal tied on bed with some captor gloating then gagged.
35:10 More captor gloating with 2nd gal on bed.
Saturday January 09 16:10:49 2016
5th Wave
Not a huge handgag person, but maybe there is some interest.

Saturday January 09 17:01:23 2016
Re: A que no me dejas Capítulo 121
Thanks to everyone who's been tracking this one! Here's an edit of cap. 116-123 from the official uploads. It's still only 360p, which will just have to do until the HD turns up.
Saturday January 09 17:49:48 2016
Re: Google drive storage of videos
Raffish wrote:

> Actually, Drive lets you add descriptions as well, so I'm
> still leaning toward it over Photos due to the ability to
> browse by filename (and despite its not being free over
> 15GB, since the expense would be minor).

Wow, I didn't realize that. I would agree then, financial considerations aside, that Drive is the way to go. I believe it has more expectations for privacy than Photos, and I just realized permits for fast "cheap copies", i.e. as a Drive user I can instantly make a copy of your file in which case it would count against my quota but take no time at all.

> I'm thinking there may be something to this. Of the 21
> clips in that Community 1080 folder, only 15 are
> currently showing up in Photos. The other six are listed
> as "backed up" in the app but aren't anywhere
> to be found online...and at least one of those was there
> originally but has gone missing within the last hour.
> So far I haven't noticed any missing files in the much
> larger Drive archive.

Probably a non-issue if you decide to go with drive, but out of curiosity are the videos still in your own personal collection and simply not "shared"? I wonder if they restrict sharing of copyright materials - I really can't imagine them deleting videos. What if it was a mistaken identity and someone lost a sentimental video?

> One compromise would be to create a shared
> "dropbox" album where anyone could add clips
> and caps. I'd do some minimal moderation -- which would
> normally just consist of verifying that they're
> mainstream scenes, and possibly changing the filenames,
> which I'd like to keep in a consistent format -- and then
> move them to the Community folder, which would be
> view-only.

I think this makes sense. Problem is Drive is not setup to provide notification of new "deposits", but I guess something can be arranged where new deposits are followed by an e-mail. The great news is that copying, as I wrote earlier, is a "cheap copy" so that it takes no time (but counts against quota). As a test, I created an empty folder "Incoming" at https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B34DgGtcJNhHZTlNRGNTRWstdXc which has "edit" rights to anyone with the link. I'll keep an eye on it to make sure people are using it to deposit bad stuff.

> The only catch here is that it would be nice if the
> descriptions/"tags" alone were still editable
> after the move, either by anyone or by a trusted group of
> editors (a la Brian's DB) if we started seeing abuse. I
> don't know if that's possible without also allowing people to do more destructive things like deleting clips, but I imagine we can figure something out.

You can probably permit a select group with "edit" privileges in the Community folder. However, that right includes the ability to delete clips, so whoever is trusted to make edits will also have the privilege of deleting clips.

Perhaps you can request the depositors include the description, then the submission can be reviewed and then deposited into "Community".

Lol, we are creating a bit of a "gray" internet with unpublished links of sorts...
Nicholas Nickleby
Saturday January 09 18:55:35 2016
Re: Google drive storage of videos
Raffish wrote:

> 15GB, since the expense would be minor). But since
> there's nothing like a side-by-side comparison, I've

Actually, turns out we can have our cake and eat it, too. Videos uploaded to Photos can then be made to show up in Drive. Frankly, as you have pointed out, the Drive interface is much better. First, the thumb images are not simply the first frame. Second, you can list by filenames. Annoying, however, is how Photos always sorts everything into folders with the year it thought the video was created. Good news - you can then move it anywhere you want.

One annoying feature is that descriptions you enter in Photos do not show up in Drive. This is an easy solution - enter descriptions only in Drive. I believe we can then share the videos on Drive using the same mechanism for any other drive file. Looks like they have a loop-hole here where the Photos product is nothing more than free photo/video storage on Drive. Not sure how long that loophole will last.

In any case, this means that you should be able to upload "unlimited" clips (up to 1080p, 2GB) for free but only through the Photos product. After that, you can then work with the files like regular Drive files.

The question now is whether submissions can work the same way - I'm not sure.
Nicholas Nickleby
Saturday January 09 19:20:39 2016
Re: Amber
Pixy wrote:

> Super cute british chick cleave gagged in the beginning
> of this short film

Very nice find! Really cute lady. I even like the fact that she's not tied; sometimes that adds an interesting edge to the scene.
Miss Cleo
Saturday January 09 22:39:47 2016
Re: Google drive storage of videos
Nicholas Nickleby wrote:

> In any case, this means that you should be able to upload
> "unlimited" clips (up to 1080p, 2GB) for free
> but only through the Photos product. After that, you can
> then work with the files like regular Drive files.
> The question now is whether submissions can work the same
> way - I'm not sure.

Thanks for all the legwork! I'm inclined not to worry about this part too much, since $120 a year is easily worth it to me to avoid the hassle of multiple interfaces and questionable deletion policies. :) I've already moved the Photos part of the archive to Drive proper.

I've also done a reorganization in which I flattened out the file structure a bit, which should make it easier to browse. The Community archive now includes all of my own "modern" clips (though not the old .rm files from Raffish DiDClips, which will remain in their current home on Mega for now). That archive, which contains 500+ clips at the moment, is syncing now and should be done within 24 hours. Once that's done, I'll start syncing Sam's much larger archive, which will probably take at least a few days.

I propose a standard description format that looks something like this:

Series: 24
Episode: "11:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m." (S01E24) [2002]
Actress: Leslie Hope
Country: USA
Keywords: tape gag, rope, hands behind, chair, onscreen gagging, f/f, death
Contributor: toadbutts

I've started adding these for the first few clips. (Note: it looks like you need to be logged into any Google account to view descriptions.) Most of the info here is already available in the FBT spreadsheets and just needs to be copied over. Most of the keywords are missing or incomplete, however, so those will take the most time to add. They should be wildly useful if we handle them consistently, though.

I'm afraid I know better than to make the archive world-editable, but I'd love to get as many folks as possible involved in the process of adding descriptions and keywords. Drop me an email and I'll set you up.

Once the first sync is done -- it doesn't look like Drive wants to do it until then -- I'll also add a world-writable dropbox, and anyone who's currently uploading to sendspace etc. will be welcome to use it.
Saturday January 09 22:47:28 2016
Re: Amber
Miss Cleo wrote:

> I even like the fact
> that she's not tied; sometimes that adds an interesting
> edge to the scene.

Yea, like next channel, click!

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