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VCR Alerts

This page is for posting alerts for scenes from TV shows or movies that will be broadcast on network or cable TV in the near future. Please post general comments and questions to the Discussion page, and information about forthcoming or available movies and videos to the Movie/Video page.

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Day: Saturday June 16 2007
Time: 1pm & 1:30pm est
Channel: BBC America
should be parts 2 and 3 repeats of this scene (Friday 6/8 and Mon 6/11 airings)
Record number: 12229

Title: Hollyoaks
Medium: Soap Opera
Actress: Ciara Janson

Description: Episode: Unkonown

In scenes running over three episodes of the ‘teen soap’ first broadcast in the UK September 2006 Jansen’s character Nicole is held captive in her home by her escaped convict brother, Sam

About halfway through the first episode she opens the front door to find him standing on the other side, before she can react he forces his way in hand gagging her as he does so.

Action resumes after an ad break, Holding a terrified Nicole in the kitchen Sam hunts through some drawers until he finds a length of green cord, he then uses this to bind her wrists to the back of the plastic chair she is sitting in and carries the chair into the living room.

Left unguarded Nicole shifts her chair next to the table and rubs the rope against the chair leg until she is able to free herself. Unfortunately for her (but not for us) she knocks a glass off the table in doing so, Sam hears this and is able to grab her again as she runs to the front door. He hand gags her again and drags her back to the chair retying her wrists.

Situation continues at intervals through the second episode, at one point Sam holds a glass of water up to Nicole’s lips so she can drink; she remains scared and tearful throughout.

Towards the end of this episode Sam pours boiling water into a bowl and threatens to scald Nicole if she doesn’t tell him where his ex-girlfriend is. The threat is more than enough and she tearfully tells him everything.

Shortly after this Nicole’s other brother comes home to an apparently deserted house, he then hears Nicole crying and calling out for him. He finds her laying on the floor behind the sofa, tied hand and foot – hands behind her back – with the green rope, no gag. He promptly unties her.

More footage of Nicole being untied appears briefly in the first few minutes of the next episode.

Nicole wears a uniform white blouse and knee length black skirt, she is barefoot throughout.

Miami Vice
Day: Saturday June 16 2007
Time: 1;30PM est
Channel: Sleuth
Repeats later at 10:30pm and 5am

Record number: 5256

Title: Miami Vice
Medium: TV Series
Actress: Saundra Santiago, Olivia Brown

Description: Episode: "The Rising Sun of Death" (4.9)

Gina (Santiago) and Trudi (Brown) are undercover in a brothel as part of an investigation into Yakuza presence in Miami when they're spotted by a dirty cop. Clad in sexy lingerie, they're each handcuffed at both wrists to Japanese-style latticework chairs in which they sit ungagged with their ankles roped together until Sonny & Co. rescue them. Scene starts around the 30'mark and ends by the 38'mark
Day: Saturday June 16 2007
Time: 10pm est
Channel: Lifetime Real Women
Record number: 9119

Title: Missing aka 1-800-Missing
Medium: TV Series
Actress: Michele Ferney

Description: Episode: "Insomnia" (1.3)

Roughly 48mins into the episode, tied wrists in front and gagged with duct tape whilst locked inside a large bakery oven. Nothing shown before. Guy alert.
Day: Saturday June 16 2007
Time: 4pm est
Channel: Lifetime Real Women
Record number: 9688

Title: Missing aka 1-800-Missing
Medium: TV Series
Actress: Justina Machado

Description: Episode: "White Whale" (1.13)

Sitting in a chair wrapped in chains, with a bomb on her lap. Happens in the last half
Alien Apocalypse (2005)
Day: Saturday June 16 2007
Time: 10:30 AM EST
Channel: Sci-Fi Channel
Title: Alien Apocalypse (2005)
Medium: Movie
Actress: Renee O'Connor, Neda Sokolovska

Description: C-grade SciFi original derivative of Planet of the Apes where a group of astronauts return to a future Earth where alien insects rule the world.

The gag scenes start almost from the beginning. Some villagers/slaves are shown gagged although it's hard to tell the men from the women because everyone has long hair. There's a close-up of Renee and another female astronaut (Sokolovska), who's killed shortly after, being gagged. The gag is removed and put back on throughout the first 35 minutes when they make their first escape attempt. There's a nice little scene right before the escape with Renee with her hands in stocks, arms overhead about to be whipped for goofing off at her slaving duties. It's the only time she's shown bound and gagged.

Renee is recaptured and is shown between the 50-60' mark bound hand and ankle to a pole being carried back into the work compound. Unfortunately, she's not gagged in this scene which would have been great. She's shown gagged again back at her slaving duties around the 80-85' mark and a few times more around the 95-100' mark. There's also a nice little handgag scene at around the 95' mark where the hot alien rebel named Bizzy is on the ground sleeping and some schulb tries to have his way with her.

The gag looks just like a piece of dark brown suede with holes over the mouth area and shaped to give it the appearance of one of those leather gags in the bondage world. Renee is still in great shape from her Xena days, but she's wearing her white spacesuit/jumpsuit throughout the entire movie.

There are a couple of close-ups of her gagged face, but more mid-range shots of her standing next to some gagged fella. There also a couple of close-up shots of two nameless villagers/slaves who are just average looking.
Torque (2004)
Day: Saturday June 16 2007
Time: 2:00 PM EST
Channel: TNT
Title: Torque (2004)
Medium: Movie
Actress: Monet Mazur

Description: Her hands are cuffed in front of her as the kidnappers talk to her ex boyfriend. Couple of minutes later, the kidnapper and his girlfriend take her across the garage and attach the cuffs the a hoist chain so that he can have his "fun" with her. Good guys prevail and shot her cuffs off of her. Scene occurs at about 70'(w/o commercials) (1h30' w/ commercials).
National Security (2003)
Day: Saturday June 16 2007
Time: 10:00 AM EST
Channel: TNT
Title: National Security (2003)
Medium: Movie
Actress: Mari Morrow

Description: About 25 minutes in, security guard Martin Lawrence comes across her going through the files in a darkened warehouse office. It seems she has a fetish for men in uniform, so she does anything but object when Lawrence suggests she strip-search herself and then, with her in her underwear, cuffs her wrists over her head around a ceiling pipe.

Unfortunately for her, at that moment the shooting starts, and Lawrence has to rush to partner Steve Zahn's aid, leaving her to dodge a bullet coming in through the office window and opine that "this isn't turning me on!" in one brief shot, and then to plaintively ask, "Earl?"(the name of Lawrence's character) when things fall strangely silent-because Zahn and Lawrence have driven off, forgetting her.

In the beginning she wears a pink knitted blouse and a short orange and white skirt, and strips to a pink bra and panties. As implied above, she isn't gagged.
Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl (2003)
Day: Saturday June 16 2007
Time: 8:00 PM EST
Channel: ABC
Title: Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl (2003)
Medium: Movie
Actress: Keira Knightley aka Kiera Knightley

Description: A letdown from what earlier storyboard drawings showed us on the Disney Channel. Anyway, the beautiful Keria Knightly does have some bondage in this entertaining adaptation of Walt Disney's creation. Somewhere towards the middle of the film she is seen being tied, hands in front with rope by a pirate. There are a few more shots of her with her hands tied in front while on a small boat.

Later, she is tied with a bunch of other guys to a pole but escapes literally 2 seconds after the start of the scene and makes a big speech.

Also, Keira Knightley is handgagged by Orlando Bloom.
The Pit and the Pendulum (1961)
Day: Saturday June 16 2007
Time: 12:30 am Pacific
Channel: TCM
CYLL if not a Left Coaster.
Record number: 4139

Title: The Pit and the Pendulum (1961)
Medium: Movie
Actress: Mary Menzies, Barbara Steele

Description: Vincent Price plays the son of an Inquisition torturer, and appears as the torturer himself in some flashbacks. About 50 minutes in (with commercials), the son is shown as a little boy peering into the dungeon at his unfaithful mother (Menzies), bloody and screaming with her wrists shackled over her head in a quick shot. During the film's climax the son locks his faithless wife (Steele) into a dungeon cage-but she doesn't get rescued. Just before leaving the dungeon, the sister of Price's character (Luana Anders) declares aloud "No one will ever enter this room again." The final frames of the film are of Steele's face staring in mute fear through the bars of the small window in the cage, a white cloth tied over her mouth.

Starter Wife
Day: Saturday June 16 2007
Time: 7:00PM E.T.
Channel: USA Network
I *think* Debra Messing received a handgag around the 0:38 point. As I left the room, she was going to open her car door -- when I heard loud mmphing! Based on who it was, a handgag would've made sense.

Episode repeats Sunday, June 17 @ 11:00PM E.T.
The Conqueror Worm
Day: Saturday June 16 2007
Time: 2 am EST
Channel: TCM (Turner Classic Movies)
It's been on a lot, but for those who haven't had a chance to tape it yet, here's another chance ...
Record number: 995

Title: The Conqueror Worm (1968) aka Matthew Hopkins: Witchfinder General aka Witchfinder-General
Medium: Movie
Actress: Hira Talfrey, unknown, Maggie Kimberly, Hilary Dwyer

Description: This Vincent Price vehicle about a traveling witchfinder roaming during the English Civil War starts with Talfrey being led along by her bound-in-front wrists on the way to a gibbet outside of town. About 30 minutes later Price's assistant is shown trying to slap a confession out of a young woman who sits against the wall of a dungeon cell with her hands manacled over her head. Approximately 10 minutes after that, the witchfinder presides over a trial by water with two women among the participants. They are tied hand and foot and dunked over the side of a bridge; later they are hanged after their having floated is taken as a sign of their guilt. At about 1 hour and 10 minutes, Kimberly is tied in a narrow spreadeagle position to the upper rungs of a ladder which is then propped up next to a tall cross-shaped frame near which a large fire has been built. She is executed by being slowly lowered into the flames by ropes tied to the top of the ladder and slung over the frame. In the film's final scenes about 10 minutes later, Dwyer and her husband are tied hands-over-head to horizontal bars set into a dungeon wall. Dwyer is then tortured by being repeatedly stabbed in the back with a needle, in hopes of convincing her husband to confess. Then she is laid face-down on a stone slab and it is implied that she is bound in preparation for being branded with a cross-shaped iron, but the bonds aren't shown, except for a rope around her neck.

Pat Powers

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