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This page is for posting personal ads looking to trade scenes. All transactions are the responsibility of the parties involved. Everyone dealing here should be aware that providing an adult tape to a minor is likely illegal, and could result in prosecution. Also, dealing copies of commercial tapes may be in violation of the copyright laws. The Moderator will make no attempt to police this board.

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Monday September 18 01:15:01 2006
Re: Patsy Kensit
Wavy wrote:

> Doug Henning wrote:
> > For those that wish to have their own copy, you can
> get
> > it the same way you get them from youtube (Javimoya
> or
> > KeepVid).
> I tried that first. However, the only thing I got was the
> shortcut to the file, no matter how I downloaded it and
> no matter which browser I used. Are you sure the file you
> downloaded to your computer is actually the .asx file?
> You had better do a properties on it and see if it's 150
> kb. If so, you've been had and furthermore, you are
> probably not the real Doug Henning. ;-)

Odds are the I downloaded a link only, even tho it reads as .asx in my directory and plays fine on the media player. Won't be the first or last time I've made a computer related mistake. I'm the kind of guy who would call the computer repair store to get antibiotics if my computer ever got a virus ;p

On the up-side, the video showed much larger on the media player than on the websight, which in and of itself was worth making a fool of myself.

Additionally, sorry if the post sounded snippy. I should know better than to post this late at night.
Not really Doug Henning
Monday September 18 19:40:16 2006
nicole sullivan
Hey, I just asked for a clip (Which was given to me by Stephanie of majorjohns), but now I am looking for a different one. It is from a Mad TV sketch called "Stick Chicks", and has nicole sullivan in it. As usual, I am willing to give a few clips for this one, so if anyone has it, please email me. Thanks.

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