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This page is for posting personal ads looking to trade scenes. All transactions are the responsibility of the parties involved. Everyone dealing here should be aware that providing an adult tape to a minor is likely illegal, and could result in prosecution. Also, dealing copies of commercial tapes may be in violation of the copyright laws. The Moderator will make no attempt to police this board.

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Wednesday September 06 11:06:32 2006
Re: Magazine images
Caritas wrote:

anyone have any magazine scans of that scene they could
send me? Any help with this is much appreciated.

I've emailed this person 3 of his specific video requests in the past gratis, yet NOT ONCE received either an acknowledgement or thank you - NADA
Don't expect anything from my side in the future.
Your social skills need work.

Wednesday September 06 13:27:30 2006
Re: The Zeta Project

> if you'd like. Email em and we can work something out.
That works for me

Wednesday September 06 14:23:50 2006
Re: Magazine images
Stephanie wrote:

> Caritas wrote:
> anyone have any magazine scans of that scene they could
> send me? Any help with this is much appreciated.
> I've emailed this person 3 of his specific video requests
> in the past gratis, yet NOT ONCE received either an
> acknowledgement or thank you - NADA
> Don't expect anything from my side in the future.
> Your social skills need work.
> http://www.majorjohns.com

Um, no I haven't received anything from you. I've never e-mailed you to ask for a request. The only time I've had any conversation with you was when I asked for help capping the Tammin Sursok scene and you said how to do it on Photofiltre. Which I did and it worked fantastically, so thank you for your help there (I also thanked you at the time on this message forum as well). You're getting me mixed up with somebody else. Sorry, the fault's at your end, not mine.
Wednesday September 06 14:47:11 2006
Re: Magazine images
(unsigned poster) wrote:
You're getting

me mixed up with somebody else. Sorry, the fault's at your end, not mine.

I disgree - I'm rather adept at email addresses as well as originating IP addressews - you've been caught out.
Nonetheless - all 'water under the bridge' as they say.
I will not correspond in the future.

Wednesday September 06 15:38:53 2006
Re: Magazine images
> Nonetheless - all 'water under the bridge' as they say.
> I will not correspond in the future.

Fine, be petty about it then.
Wednesday September 06 20:27:07 2006
Tapes for Charity
Hey, everyone.

I am unloading a bunch of my mainstream DID video tapes, both because I am moving and don't want to move them, and to raise money for a local animal charity. If you are interested, go to the link for the list of tapes. More will be added later.


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