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This page is for posting links to online streaming video, Youtube and things like that. The rules are somewhat looser than Discussion. You can post and discuss mainstream and related amateur video. Do not post clips from commercial videos. It's usually not that hard to tell the difference.

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Thursday December 23 06:19:03 2010
question for sam
I know in this forum Sam. That you are a legendary figure. I don't know if you ever have been ask this question. But out of curiosity. How many clips do you have your hands on? Or even more impressive what is the GB you have in storage for your archive?
Thursday December 23 07:54:30 2010
Re: question for sam
Thehug wrote:

> I know in this forum Sam. That you are a legendary
> figure. I don't know if you ever have been ask this
> question. But out of curiosity. How many clips do you
> have your hands on? Or even more impressive what is the
> GB you have in storage for your archive?

Well, not counting older clips from legendary sites like Raffish's, Kerhop's and Anubis' (which number more than 1000), here's what it comes up to now:

HQ = 331 files, 6GB
HD = 106 files, 11GB

The dumb thing is, that's obviously more than I 'need'. I know for sure that many of those clips I'll never watch more than once. I guess it's the pitfalls of collecting in the fast internet era: you just go click-click-click on anything that looks good, and before you know it, there's more than you'll ever need.

I think there was a brief discussion about this earlier in the year, but one of these days I really should do a clean-up of the redundant clips in my collection. I'm running low on HDD space as it is, and the HD stuff is starting to kill it. I doubt I'll ever get bored of collecting and sharing DiD clips, but there'll always be those select few timeless favourite scenes, whilst others (such as many of the recent scenes this year) are disposable.
Thursday December 23 09:38:43 2010
The Listener S01E08 - 'One Way Or Another' (starring Lisa Marcos)
Here's a good scene which seems to have passed under the radar:
Thursday December 23 09:38:58 2010
Re: The Listener S01E08 - 'One Way Or Another' (starring Lisa Marcos)
HD version:


Well worth checking out IMHO.
Thursday December 23 10:41:20 2010
Re: The Listener S01E08 - 'One Way Or Another' (starring Lisa Marcos)
I remember this one! It was posted on the Video Page about a day after it was broadcast. I also remember some of the comments that were posted here about the scene, especially for cleave fans who were surprised not to see a tape gag.
Thursday December 23 11:53:44 2010
Re: question for sam
Sam wrote:

> Thehug wrote:
> The dumb thing is, that's obviously more than I 'need'. I
> know for sure that many of those clips I'll never watch
> more than once.

I had the same issue, then my computer crashed and I lost all the clips I had on computer files. I had all the good ones still on VHS tapes and was easily able to transfer some back. But it's amazing how many clips I lost that I had no interest in trying to retrieve.
Thursday December 23 14:11:48 2010
Re: The Listener S01E08 - 'One Way Or Another' (starring Lisa Marcos)
Abel wrote:

> I remember this one! It was posted on the Video Page
> about a day after it was broadcast. I also remember some
> of the comments that were posted here about the scene,
> especially for cleave fans who were surprised not to see
> a tape gag.

During the last 2 years I've been surprised seen tape gags since there are more cleave gags than tape in TV and movies, it's like we are back in the 70's
Thursday December 23 16:26:20 2010
Re: question for sam
Sam wrote:

> Well, not counting older clips from legendary sites like
> Raffish's, Kerhop's and Anubis' (which number more than
> 1000), here's what it comes up to now:
> HQ = 331 files, 6GB
> HD = 106 files, 11GB

That is impressive, I hadn't reach that level yet. But I am getting close. I guess I'm a mission to find a few small golden nuggets under the big boulders of mainstream TV and movies :) I myself maybe looking for a couple of interesting clips. I'll explain that below.

> The dumb thing is, that's obviously more than I 'need'. I
> know for sure that many of those clips I'll never watch
> more than once. I guess it's the pitfalls of collecting
> in the fast internet era: you just go click-click-click
> on anything that looks good, and before you know it,
> there's more than you'll ever need.

This is true. Sometimes we take the chips at face value at first then when you show it a few times you ask yourself, "Why did I get this again?" I don't mind most clips. I still try to watch many of them. But if I can find a few of my "interesting" clips. I may make a choice to remove a few myself :)

> I doubt I'll ever get bored of
> collecting and sharing DiD clips, but there'll always be
> those select few timeless favourite scenes.

Amen Brother, Once you get hook on B&G you never let go. For many they have there own favorite. Either is a type of gag or tie. Or for some of us wehave a type of scene we like. For me its ecaspe sneces for example. The girl has to get out of a closet or room. I don't know why but they have extra appeal for me. I don't have a lot of them and I'm current looking for some. For now I have two of them. One is great the other is pretty good.

1.Is Bold and the Beautiful with Sheila & Lauren go at it
Part 1-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqeEi8a9kmE (last 4 minutes) are great. You get everything you may want a KO scene, a short tie up scene and finally in
Part 2-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mnwy6qQqysA you have the ecaspe form the closet and getting free.

The other which is still good, but quite the same. Is form
Melrose Place-epsiode name is "Swept Away" anyone interested I can email you the epsiode. But in short the damsel is tied up in a boat and is locked up in a lower copartment. Unforturely the captor unties her and is put back in the copartment but not tied up :( she ecaspe after words.

If you read my earlier post you will see my "wish list" clip that I'm looking for. You may have it... I can be hopeful. As you have said before Soaps scene can be very hard to find.

Thursday December 23 17:07:24 2010
Did anyone every get the scene from the new movie Tangled?
Thursday December 23 18:40:53 2010
Extensive handgag this time

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