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This page is for posting links to online streaming video, Youtube and things like that. The rules are somewhat looser than Discussion. You can post and discuss mainstream and related amateur video. Do not post clips from commercial videos. It's usually not that hard to tell the difference.

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Wednesday November 05 09:05:18 2014
Re: Duct Tape + Cleave Gag
Greek Damsels wrote:

> (unsigned poster) wrote:
> http://thumbnails111.imagebam.com/36190/b1109c361897511.jp
> g
> Not just that is there a video of this scene!
> I identified the scene on the Discussion Page. Here is a
> video of the entire episode (action starts at the 32'
> mark).

I consider this scene one of the best ever... Love it! The distress of the damsel and struggling. The beauty of the woman... The close ups of her bound hands, A lot of rope! All amazing. I featured a post about it on my blog some time ago. This looks like great quality version...
Wednesday November 05 09:38:56 2014
Final Move 2013 clip
hi guys,

i noticed someone ask about this aussie film, and found this clip online


Wednesday November 05 16:09:48 2014
Tape gagged sisters scene/
Hi, on youtube a month or so ago I saw a video of two dark haired sisters (twins?) tape gagged and roped up by another woman on camera. Guess it's been taken down now but wondered if anyone has caps or anything from it? Thanks.
Wednesday November 05 17:27:45 2014
Re: Duct Tape + Cleave Gag
wb wrote:

> rope! All amazing. I featured a post about it on my blog some time ago. This looks like great quality version...

I actually found this scene thanks to your blog! Thank you!
Greek Damsels
Wednesday November 05 18:53:26 2014
Re: Duct Tape + Cleave Gag
> wb wrote: I featured a post about it on my blog
> Greek Damsels wrote:I actually found this scene thanks to your blog!

A difference between blogs about the actress - understandable since both Thaleia Maketa and Doretta Papadimitriou played characters named Olga in different episodes. But it appears Greek Damsels has correctly identified her as Doretta Papadimitriou.

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