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This page is for posting links to online streaming video, Youtube and things like that. The rules are somewhat looser than Discussion. You can post and discuss mainstream and related amateur video. Do not post clips from commercial videos. It's usually not that hard to tell the difference.

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Tuesday December 30 00:43:21 2014
scene search
Anyone got the bar rafaeli scene from series Pick Up?
Tuesday December 30 01:16:33 2014
Bandana gags
This post was deleted.

Poster: John
The Moderator
Tuesday December 30 02:48:45 2014
Can anyone please identify this scene
Tuesday December 30 07:33:59 2014
Re: Kustenwache
> Graham wrote:
> > Can someone identify the name of this episode?
> Episode
> > S14E15 also has a season but is not listed in the
> > database/
> Let me check my collection. I've possessed this scene in
> the past...


It would be great if you could post the scenes for all the series.

That would be a great end of the year present!!

Tuesday December 30 11:15:02 2014
Trouble at Melody Mesa (1949)
Jimmy's father, a rancher, died in suspicious circumstances. To make things worse, Jimmy's disreputable uncle has a plot to take over the ranch. Jimmy turns to his friend Brad, the Marshal, for help. At 41:09 we find our damsel willing to be bound and gagged. Not a very good job tying up, but good situation and OTM. Brief scene, putz alert as well.

forever and anon
Tuesday December 30 11:16:22 2014
Re: Trouble at Melody Mesa (1949)
and the link....

Tuesday December 30 12:43:49 2014
Re: Kustenwache
Graham wrote:

> Jonas
> It would be great if you could post the scenes for all
> the series.
> That would be a great end of the year present!!

Sorry bud. I checked and a few of the German TV scenes I thought I had weren't there. It's probably on my decommissioned device. The Kustenwache scene is definitely on Dailymotion somewhere. I'll have a quick look when I have time.
Tuesday December 30 13:44:42 2014
Re: Bandana gags
The Moderator wrote:

> This post was deleted.
> Poster: John
> Reason:

Sorry, left out the reason. Off-topic, no "girls playing around" scenes allowed.

The Moderator
Tuesday December 30 14:27:49 2014
Re: East of Piccadilly 1941
Very long scene and classic OTM gag. Starts about the 47:15 mark in the movie

Tuesday December 30 21:36:31 2014
Anyone seen this?

Looks interesting. Gag snobs may not care...

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