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This page is for posting links to online streaming video, Youtube and things like that. The rules are somewhat looser than Discussion. You can post and discuss mainstream and related amateur video. Do not post clips from commercial videos. It's usually not that hard to tell the difference.

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Monday December 08 13:55:26 2014
Adam Adamant:The Last Sacrifice
Woman is manacled to a wall then OTM gagged and bound on an altar for sacrificing.
Monday December 08 13:57:11 2014
Adam Adamant:Black Echo
OTM gagged and tied 4 points to a bed.
Monday December 08 14:22:29 2014
Re: Adam Adamant:Black Echo
> OTM gagged and tied 4 points to a bed.

And the full episode (starts about the 38:40 mark)

Record number: 3112

Title: Adam Adamant Lives
Medium: TV Series
Actress: Juliet Harmer

Description: Episode: "Black Echo" (2.2)

The foxy Miss Jones gets tied and gagged.
Monday December 08 14:30:57 2014
Re: Adam Adamant:The Last Sacrifice
> Woman is manacled to a wall then OTM gagged and bound on
> an altar for sacrificing.

Full episode. Harmer makes a joke about her gag during the tag of the episode at the end
Monday December 08 14:41:22 2014
Adam Adamant
Juliet Harmer captured and tied up in premiere episode. Must be more scenes for her in series
Monday December 08 15:01:51 2014
Re: Adam Adamant
F/F HG of nurse with uniform switch at about the 43:48 mark

Monday December 08 21:31:29 2014
All that tape and no gag post
Anyone know where to see this scene in the US, youtube maybe? Thanks
Monday December 08 21:58:49 2014
Re: Adam Adamant
Juliet Harmer B&G in a different TV series


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