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This page is for posting links to online streaming video, Youtube and things like that. The rules are somewhat looser than Discussion. You can post and discuss mainstream and related amateur video. Do not post clips from commercial videos. It's usually not that hard to tell the difference.

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Monday November 03 09:15:16 2014
Thick white cleave
Monday November 03 18:11:53 2014
The Inner Room (2011) Full Thriller Movie (HD)
New DB entry...
Title: The Inner Room (2011)
Medium: Movie
Actress: Jessica Bornmann

Description: Long scene for Jessica Bornmann (whose only acting credit appears to be this film), in which she falls afoul of a crazed axe murderer and ends up being held captive at his woodland cabin. At 1hr 3mins the pretty blonde is clonked on the head and given a hard kick on the ground. Less than a minute later she wakes up bound to a chair; her hands are tightly tied behind the backrest with yellow twine, feet unbound, and tightly OTM gagged with a thick brown cloth. She tugs at her wrist bindings a few times (which are cinched in the middle and visibly squeezing against her skin), but is otherwise a passive damsel for most of the scene. It should be noted that there are a few small dried-up cuts on her face, but she does not look too messed up.

Her captor goes off on a long monologue in front of her for the next 6mins, until there is a knock at the door. She starts to mmpphh a bit, but he threatens to cut her up if she makes a sound. Even so, when he checks the door, she rocks sideways on the chair and tips it over. He ignores this and goes to answer the door (the woman at the other end eventually meets very unhappy end via his axe), whilst Bornmann gets to work on getting free. She manages to break the chair, stand up to grab a knife from a drawer, then cut away at the twine. Finally she gets free at 1hr 11mins, but we are not shown her ungagging herself.

The scene is well-lit, with plenty of good views including close-ups of Bornmann's gagged face. She wears a brown T-shirt, jeans and black boots.
Full movie -- with scene starting at 104:15.

(Slight correction: not yellow twine, but yellow poly rope.)
Monday November 03 19:02:33 2014
Re: The Inner Room (2011) Full Thriller Movie (HD)
^ My fresh dB entry, so I might as well post the scene since it's garnered some attention. It was impossible to find in HD until recently, when the iTunes release finally saw the light of day. Either way, great scene for OTM fans:


Video: H.264
Audio: AAC
Resolution: 720p
Length: 3m 10s
Source: iTunes (lossless)
Monday November 03 21:25:51 2014
Re: Tu voz estereo - Katherine Miranda b&g
Dextor wrote:

> From Halloween's episode of Colombian anthology series
> "Tu Voz Estereo."

Unbelievable. It's weird when this show airs and there ISN'T a bondage scene. This show is prolific!
Monday November 03 22:01:09 2014
Re: Urinetown
> Thick white cleave
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eagY35F87rM

Another white cleave and damsel has cloth around neck until end of show. Always a nice touch

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