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Rise: Blood Hunter
Day: Friday December 02 2011
Time: Midnight Eastern
Channel: Chiller
Record number: 13459

Title: Rise (2007) aka Rise: Blood Hunter
Medium: Movie
Actress: Cameron Richardson, Lucy Liu

Description: At 5 minutes in Cameron is seen hanging upside down. Her hands are tied behind her back and she is gagged with a piece of duct tape. She's only wearing panties/garters and stockings. Around 107 minutes Lucy is hanging upside down naked. Her hands are tied behind back.

In between the two suspension scenes listed, at least on the "unrated" dvd (I didn't see the movie in theatrical release, if it had one): A flashback shows how Lucy became a vampire. A reporter, she is sprayed in the face with something like pepper spray while investigating a cult and is knocked out. She comes to briefly in the back seat of a car being driven by her assailant, then blacks out again. They arrive at a mansion and she is pulled out of the car and marched into the house. During all of this her hands are behind her back, presumably bound. She's pushed into a chair to wait. Later her hands are freed, but she's soon killed and drained by the head vampire and his female friend. Later, as a vampire, Lucy is arrested in a bar by a cop. He cuffs her hands behind her back and puts her in the back of his car. She slides her rump back between her wrists and pulls her legs through to get her hands in front, then puts a chokehold on the detective to make him release her. He then shoots her when she walks away. The fact that she doesn't die convinces him that her crazy story is true and he offers to remove the bullet. When he does so in a hotel room she passes out from the pain. She wakes up to find herself handcuffed aoh to the headboard. He gives her a drink of water when she asks for it and then releases her to use the restroom but cuffs her hands in front. When she finishes he has to help her pull up and fasten her jeans. Then she lies down on the bed with her hands still cuffed in front. Later released

Day: Friday December 02 2011
Time: 10:00 PM Eastern
Channel: USA
Record number: 10169

Title: Navy NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service aka NCIS
Medium: TV Series
Actress: Sasha Alexander

Description: Episode: "UnSEALed" (1.18)

About 12' in, Caitlin Todd, while guarding a child at his home, is tricked by his father and relieved of her sidearm. After the ad break, she's shown being bound to a chair while he explains that he's not there to take his son, but to say goodbye. He then gags her with what appears to be two white napkins tied together, with one of the knots in her mouth.

She's bound hands behind, her legs tied separately to the chair legs. There's a goodly bit of struggling to free herself before her partner outside, unable to raise her on the comm, enters the house and finds and unbinds her.

She's wearing a striped blouse, black pinstriped suit pants and low-heeled boots.

The sequence ends around the 21' mark.

Day: Friday December 02 2011
Time: 5:15 AM eastern
Channel: Turner Classic Movies (TCM)
Rosalind Russell is bound and gagged.

This scene is not in the database.

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