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This page is for posting links to online streaming video, Youtube and things like that. The rules are somewhat looser than Discussion. You can post and discuss mainstream and related amateur video. Do not post clips from commercial videos. It's usually not that hard to tell the difference.

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Tuesday October 06 02:26:29 2015
Did anyone capture the Morena Baccarin scene?
Tuesday October 06 03:05:36 2015
Korean short drama
Came across the photos below on a asian DID site. Took some tracking down, but finally found the source. If anyone can read Korean, can they put a name to the actress?

Image on RHS, about three quarters down: http://ink361.com/app/users/ig-1191646949/photos

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjEmqPX_OoM
Warm potato
Tuesday October 06 03:55:42 2015
Re: Gotham
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Did anyone capture the Morena Baccarin scene?

Yes and no. The chloro lasted 1.5 seconds and the bondage is beyond lame...so even as a Morena fan, I'm not currently planning on making a clip, but here are a couple caps.
Tuesday October 06 09:51:08 2015
Re: Korean short drama
Warm potato wrote:

> Came across the photos below on a asian DID site. Took
> some tracking down, but finally found the source. If
> anyone can read Korean, can they put a name to the
> actress?

I'm far from positive about this, but Google Translate comes back with "Lee, Seung - Hyun lucky movie image" for the title of that video, so it's possible that this is one Seung-yeon Lee:
Tuesday October 06 10:29:06 2015
Re: Gotham
Did anyone capture the Morena Baccarin scene? YES!

Tuesday October 06 14:49:52 2015
Re: Gotham
Thanks togolane!

Tuesday October 06 16:13:09 2015
Re: Velo De Novia cap 115
Raffish wrote:

> Agreed! I'd say most folks are being pretty good about
> this, and it's much appreciated for the sake of the DB --
> and also the "Female Bondage Tropes"
> spreadsheets, which I've been trying to keep updated with
> every (edited) scene and clip that's posted here. Having
> titles, episode numbers, and actress names ready to go saves me a lot of time.

I'm having some trouble with russian and turkish scenes. Every time I try to copy and past the original title the site doesn't allow me to post a message, giving me some kind of error.
I try to provide the translated title. From now on I'll remember to add season and episode if able to do.
Belts and Boots in Bondage
Tuesday October 06 16:56:11 2015
Re: Polish version of I Love Lucy
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Somehow stumbled onto a Polish version of 'I Love
> Lucy'called 'Sasiedzi'.
> Has an exact copy of "The Amateur Hour" and
Thanks so much for that! It's interesting to see your favorite scenes recreated. The lady is much prettier than Lucy but nowhere near the comic actress that Lucy was. The original was A+. I'd give this version a C. The acting and directing was so lame it made the Disney channel stuff like THAT'S SO RAVEN look like ALL IN THE FAMILY.
But still I'd love to see more versions from other countries if they exist! As much as I hate my favorite movies getting remade when it comes to my favorite bondage scenes they can remake em a million times if they want to!

Tuesday October 06 19:24:49 2015
Re: Velo De Novia cap 115
Belts and Boots in Bondage wrote:

> I'm having some trouble with russian and turkish scenes.

The error message tells you what to do. What it tells
you is NOT to come and complain about it on the forum.

You WILL NOT get an answer here. Do not pursue it further.

The Engineer
Tuesday October 06 19:29:11 2015
Re: My Latin telenovela cleave list (2nd edition)
This post was deleted.

Poster: (unsigned poster)
Reason: Age ref.
The Moderator

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