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This page is for posting links to online streaming video, Youtube and things like that. The rules are somewhat looser than Discussion. You can post and discuss mainstream and related amateur video. Do not post clips from commercial videos. It's usually not that hard to tell the difference.

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Monday April 18 01:44:19 2022
Scene help please?
Does anyone know who is the actress and which series this is from?

Monday April 18 06:43:00 2022
Re: Yemin 421 Yagmur Sahbazova tape gagged
On April 17 2022 Highlander wrote:

> The only problem with this scene is that I don’t know if
> the female kidnapper is hotter than the kidnapped woman*
Anyone have an ID on the kidnapper? Many of these hotties have scenes in other shows. Love to search her track record to see if she has anything.

Monday April 18 07:55:53 2022
Re: Yemin 421 Yagmur Sahbazova tape gagged
On April 17 2022 Highlander wrote:

> The only problem with this scene is that I don’t know if
> the female kidnapper is hotter than the kidnapped woman*.
> And the fact she isn’t kidnapped too.
> 10/10 mainstream scene, better than much profissional
> stuff hahahaha
> *Yagmur Sahbazova is 34 y/o, but looks much younger
> enjoy
> https://mega.nz/file/AZJHWBRD#VT_eqG4M-gxTmNiN4rdBI7PtScik
> 1r8uKoi_AJUz9KA

What a marvellous scene, thanks for the edit, definitely a keeper. Love the detail around her untying herself with the rope marks and stiffness in the limbs. Great boot shots too!

Monday April 18 07:58:04 2022
Re: Yemin 421 Yagmur Sahbazova tape gagged
On April 17 2022 Highlander wrote:

> The only problem with this scene is that I don’t know if
> the female kidnapper is hotter than the kidnapped woman*.
> And the fact she isn’t kidnapped too.
> 10/10 mainstream scene, better than much profissional
> stuff hahahaha
> *Yagmur Sahbazova is 34 y/o, but looks much younger
> enjoy
> https://mega.nz/file/AZJHWBRD#VT_eqG4M-gxTmNiN4rdBI7PtScik
> 1r8uKoi_AJUz9KA

Wow. Absolutely great scene. Lovely damsel, perfect tape gag, facial expressions and closeups. And I love how they’ve tied her feet well. We get two panning up shots from feet to face, aren’t we lucky. Love those mid-range shots of her as well especially later on tied to the post.

Scene of the year too I think. Either this or Son Nefesime Kadar but probably this
Monday April 18 08:04:11 2022
Re: Yemin 421 Yagmur Sahbazova tape gagged
On April 18 2022 (unsigned poster) wrote:

Scene of the year too I think. Either this or Son Nefesime Kadar but probably this

It is definitely scene of the year for me, and I don't think anything will come close to it. Yagmur is a real doll, I also liked her mmmphing too. An ungagging-regagging scene would have been even better but it's still a great great scene nonetheless! All hail the writers directors of this episode!
Monday April 18 11:16:38 2022
Re: Yemin 421 Yagmur Sahbazova tape gagged
On April 18 2022 (unsigned poster) wrote:

> Wow. Absolutely great scene. Lovely damsel, perfect tape
> gag, facial expressions and closeups. And I love how
> they’ve tied her feet well. We get two panning up shots
> from feet to face, aren’t we lucky. Love those mid-range
> shots of her as well especially later on tied to the
> post.
> Scene of the year too I think. Either this or Son Nefesime Kadar but probably > this

Actually, I spoke faaaaar too soon here, too impatient to comment before watching it all. Having just made my own edit of the scene I’ve just appreciated it in full

This is *easily* scene of the year - and maybe even scene of the entire decade so far. While I love the bits with the captor, personally I could do with just Yagmur struggling on her own with her lovely mmmph, amazing rope work, cute boots, lovely tape gag. And then we get, what, SIX or so minutes of precisely that?

And yeah at that point it becomes like a commercial scene, even down to the gradual and patient untying of herself and showing the rope work

Absolutely phenomenal. Truly is
Monday April 18 12:31:27 2022
Re: Yemin 421 Yagmur Sahbazova tape gagged
Rope is good but definitely gonna have to disagree about the tape gag. Great length but clearly loose with some paper stuck over the adhesive where the mouth is.
Monday April 18 12:50:18 2022
Mahkum 18. Bölüm
There will be a scene in the next episode of this turkish show, based on the preview.
Hope the lady gets gagged. ;)

link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnjzGHW-KEo
Monday April 18 15:54:09 2022
Blanca 2016
Hi to all! There’s a link to Blanca AOH scene. The site registration is needed. Feel free to edit and download. Maybe I’ll do it myself in the future)

Desmond King
Monday April 18 16:22:44 2022
Re: Scene ID
On April 17 2022 Steve A wrote:

> On April 17 2022 (unsigned poster) wrote:
> > Pls help me find this fantastic F/F scene
> > https://www.instagram.com/p/Cca0QTUohHy/
> Someone on that IG found it: https://youtu.be/nmFC7dXzDBY

Ah Steve that was me AHAHAHAHAHAH
Ye i found it then boys after i lost it several time looking for it :)
Monday April 18 16:26:42 2022
Desire S1E62-65 HD Edit
So I recently stumbled upon the 2006 series, Desire on Tubi and was pleasantly shocked to see the quality it was in. This series has, in my opinion, one of the best scenes of all time for brunette beauty Michelle Belegrin with a 4 episode marathon packed with thorough tape bondage, plenty of struggling/gag-talk, a gorgeously dressed damsel, and so many dialog references to the bondage/gag that I'd think the director was one of us.

Most of the edits of this scene I had seen long ago were always in such low quality so I've gone ahead and made a new edit with the HD quality provided from Tubi and included a few screencaps to boot. Enjoy.

Monday April 18 17:03:36 2022
Artemisa Producciones












Monday April 18 17:35:57 2022
Kylie Hines - Retribution
Monday April 18 17:37:32 2022
Isabella Menna - Return of an Avenger 2 (2014 original version)
Monday April 18 18:28:34 2022
CAD Classics Week #5, 6, 7: The Black Panther, Haker, Thunder and Lightning
What a week-and-a-day it has been! I should do this more often. It seems that quick edits of multiple scenes are becoming more helpful to me than obsessing over editing one scene for weeks. I certainly learned a lot more about audio/video editing this way, because the self-imposed time constraint forced me to think fast in order to find effective solutions to any problems that pop up (each scene comes with its own set of challenges).

The Black Panther is sourced from the uncut Blu-ray, so there is a bit of uncensored nudity in the beginning, before the bad guy asks Debbie Farrington to get dressed. Apologies for the file size; not only is the scene almost fourteen minutes long, but the Blu-ray itself needed a better film transfer (some of the dark scenes were too dirty), so I wanted to retain as much detail as I could with what I had.

Haker is almost completely deputzified. Not that there was any significant putz presence in the scene to begin with, but I had some "splicing" fun with a little bit of creative editing; when the bad guy attacks the putz in the trunk, not only do I employ my usual trick of pan-and-zoom, but I also replaced the putz close-ups with shots of the male lead talking on the phone from a minute later. That way, I could keep Kasia Smutniak's mmmphs audible in the background. I even re-timed the villain's punches by syncing the first punch to the sound effect of the second one so the edit flows better (I pulled a similar trick when splicing the flashback and present scenes in Mission: Impossible III). There is only one second where I couldn't get rid of the putz's voice because his and her mmmphs happened at the same time, but I think that's a small price to pay.

Thunder and Lightning was a blast to edit. The audio was a bit difficult to work with, but I managed to balance things out. I even managed to zoom in on the very long shots of Kate Jackson; they look blurry and blocky, but, hey, more Kate! If this gets released on 4K, I'm gonna have a field day.

Speaking of 4K, I have a couple of surprises for you next week... you'll see!

The Black Panther (630MB!)

Haker (54MB)

Thunder and Lightning:

See you all this Friday with a new poll!
Clear as Day
Monday April 18 18:31:36 2022
Re: CAD Classics Week #5, 6, 7: The Black Panther, Haker, Thunder and Lightning
On April 18 2022 Clear as Day wrote:

> Thunder and Lightning:

Forgot to mention the file size: 164MB.
Clear as Day
Monday April 18 20:26:26 2022
Re: Desire S1E62-65 HD Edit
On April 18 2022 FakeForger wrote:

> So I recently stumbled upon the 2006 series, Desire on
> Tubi and was pleasantly shocked to see the quality it was
> in. This series has, in my opinion, one of the best
> scenes of all time for brunette beauty Michelle Belegrin
> with a 4 episode marathon packed with thorough tape
> bondage, plenty of struggling/gag-talk, a gorgeously
> dressed damsel, and so many dialog references to the
> bondage/gag that I'd think the director was one of us.

Thank you so much for it! I agree - a very underrated scene. I found this on Tubi before but forgot about it. yes, the dialogue elevates this to an all-timer.
"Time for you to be quiet"
"Another word, and the gag goes back on"
"Here you are...all tied up..."
"What can you do? You..can't...do...anything"
Monday April 18 21:48:15 2022
Papa a Toda Madre novela
Fernanda Urdapilleta gets a silver wraparound in this episode (cap 102) but seems to only last a minute or so, plus she has her hands taped in front (disappointed but not surprised)

I will say that she is a very beautiful actress and has the most gorgeous eyes imo so its definitely better then nothing. She has small braids on her hair and I think it looks cute on her. Is anyone willing to make an edit for this? Screen caps are on the link below!

Monday April 18 23:46:29 2022
Hamsageetham DID scene
In episode 2, the lead character gets grabbed by thugs in a SUV. She is later cleave-gagged and then for some reason she gets a double white tape gag for the rest of the episode. Starts at 11:00 to 17:42!
Monday April 18 23:47:42 2022
Re: Yemin 421 Yagmur Sahbazova tape gagged
On April 17 2022 Highlander wrote:

> The only problem with this scene is that I don’t know if
> the female kidnapper is hotter than the kidnapped woman*.

Thanks for the clip. Nice extended attempt to free herself
off a conveniently placed screw in the post she's tied to.
Great stuff and why these Turkish scenes are so good.

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