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VCR Alerts

This page is for posting alerts for scenes from TV shows or movies that will be broadcast on network or cable TV in the near future. Please post general comments and questions to the Discussion page, and information about forthcoming or available movies and videos to the Movie/Video page.

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My Favorite Spy
Day: Wednesday November 12 2008
Time: 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM eastern
Channel: Turner Classic Movies (TCM)
Ellen Drew bound and gagged, Jane Wyman bound and gagged.
Record number: 336

Title: My Favorite Spy (1942)
Medium: Movie
Actress: Ellen Drew, Jane Wyman

Description: Not the Bob Hope film. Band leader Kay Kyser plays himself as a nebbish recruited by Uncle Sam to infiltrate a ring of spies; he is to do this by acting unpleasant and un-American (all played for laughs, mind you, at the height of WWII), to attract the spies' attempts to recruit him. His wife, Ellen Drew (not in on the secret), leaves in disgust.

The night she picks to return, the feds have G-Gal Jane Wyman posing as Kay's wife while he meets the spies. Jane takes Ellen to another room to explain things; from behind, she pulls down her coat, pinning her arms, and hand-gags her.

Later, Kay goes to check on her; he hears much mmpphh-ing coming from a closet, and opens the door: there she is, sitting on a chair, hands bound behind it, ankles tied to the legs with scarves, gagged with dark cloth over her mouth, squirming, grunting, and glaring daggers. He does his best to explain, and leaves her.

Later, Jane goes to check on her -- Ellen has freed herself, and grabs Jane, who now finds herself bound in the chair, gagged with a light-colored scarf over her mouth. Ellen smirks and pushes Jane's preposterously large hat down over her eyes as she leaves.

Later, Kay is trying to lead Ellen from the bad guys' hideout; still not trusting him, she screams for all she's worth. Next thing you know, her head, arms, and upper body are wrapped in black cloth, tied with white rope. Kay spends the last part of the film carrying her over his shoulder this way (giving her a sharp spanking at one point, which only quiets her for a second). Her struggles and muffled screams are about as energetic as any I've ever seen.

You'd be safe rolling tape at the 45' mark. The running time for an AMC airing is listed (repeat: "listed") at 93'.

Adding some taping time beyond the listed end's not a bad idea when dealing with AMC or premium channels, whose schedules are not as rigid as broadcast and cable networks and stations.

Spy Ship
Day: Wednesday November 12 2008
Time: 3:15 PM - 4:30 PM eastern
Channel: Turner Classic Movies (TCM)
Maris Wrixon bound and gagged.
Record number: 1595

Title: Spy Ship (1942)
Medium: Movie
Actress: Maris Wrixon

Description: She's the girlfriend of a reporter (played by TV's future "Peter Gunn", Craig Stevens) who gets mixed up in his investigation of an isolationist group run by her aviatrix sister, from whom she receives a telegram about 50 minutes in directing her to an office where she's grabbed by three baddies. Unbeknownst to her, they've already done her sister in (she'd driven to the office with the body in her car's trunk) and now take her, hand-gagged and struggling, off to an interned freighter where they tie her to a chair and gag her with a polka-dot bandanna. When her boyfriend and the cops show up, a gunbattle breaks out, during which she manages to free herself and confront one of her captors with a revolver she picked up from a fallen combatant. Another baddie is hiding behind the door she enters, and grabs the gun from her. Then both subdue her, hand-gagging her again and leaving her dazed on the floor before running off just as Stevens, attracted by her loud mmphing during the struggle, comes to her rescue.

Spy Ship
Day: Wednesday November 12 2008
Time: 2:15 p.m. CST
Channel: Turner Classic Movies

Silver screen treatment scene
Record number: 1595

Title: Spy Ship (1942)
Medium: Movie
Actress: Maris Wrixon

Description: She's the girlfriend of a reporter (played by TV's future "Peter Gunn", Craig Stevens) who gets mixed up in his investigation of an isolationist group run by her aviatrix sister, from whom she receives a telegram about 50 minutes in directing her to an office where she's grabbed by three baddies. Unbeknownst to her, they've already done her sister in (she'd driven to the office with the body in her car's trunk) and now take her, hand-gagged and struggling, off to an interned freighter where they tie her to a chair and gag her with a polka-dot bandanna. When her boyfriend and the cops show up, a gunbattle breaks out, during which she manages to free herself and confront one of her captors with a revolver she picked up from a fallen combatant. Another baddie is hiding behind the door she enters, and grabs the gun from her. Then both subdue her, hand-gagging her again and leaving her dazed on the floor before running off just as Stevens, attracted by her loud mmphing during the struggle, comes to her rescue.

Embrace of the Vampire
Day: Wednesday November 12 2008
Time: 11:30 p.m. CST
Channel: Thriller Max
Handgag scene, non-gag bondage scene
Record number: 7303

Title: Embrace of the Vampire (1994)
Medium: Movie
Actress: Alyssa Milano, unknown

Description: This film, which was made mostly to show of Milano's naked form, has a handgag scene with an attractive black woman who manages to wrap some netting around her hand (thus "trapping" her) after which a vampire handgags her and drinks her blood while keeping her handgagged. Later, Milano has a problematic bondage scene -- she's shown lying in bed naked with her arms outstretched as if tied to the corners of the bed, but the only rope visible is tied around her neck and shoulders, and you don't see any rope securing her to the bed itself. Perhaps the intent was to suggest bondage, but mostly it just proved stupidity.

Dead Mary
Day: Wednesday November 12 2008
Time: 10:30 p.m. CST
Channel: Showtime showcase
Full treatment scenes, not in DB
7 Days
Day: Wednesday November 12 2008
Time: 4pm est
Channel: SciFi
SCIFI Wed 11/12 4:00 PM
Record number: 5953

Title: Seven Days aka 7 Days
Medium: TV Series
Actress: Gina Philips

Description: Episode: "Shadow Play" (1.8)

Rebecca (Gina) is captured by Frank Parker and handcuffed to the steering wheel of a car. Later they stop at the side of hot dog stand. Gina show her handcuffed arm and ask for help. The vendor think they are just a couple playing kinky game. Scenes at 15 and 17 minutes. She has one wrist cuffed to the steering wheel. The hot dog scene is at 20 minutes, at that time, she shows her handcuffed wrists (in front, obviously) and tells the vendor to call the police.


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