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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Saturday February 04 00:31:04 2023
Re: Melinda Dillon
On February 03 2023 (unsigned poster) wrote:

> I just searched "Dillon" and came up with a few
> hits on her. I then searched "Dilon" and found none.

I was going to say that it was highly unlikely for a
mistake like that to survive.
Brian R
Saturday February 04 03:53:45 2023
Terrifier T-Shirts
Perhaps not entirely topical but thought this was interesting, here's some T-shirts with artwork re-creating the double DID scene from the first Terrifier film (fair warning they're NSFW and are quite graphically violent and bloody and also have some nudity).




That was a damn good scene in the movie with excellent mmmppphhhing and struggling from both damsels, even if it is incredibly violent and bloody. Pretty neat to have it re-created as a T-shirt image.

Also worth noting the same apparel company did a couple of T-shirts for Better Watch Out, which also feature the bondage scene from that one.


Saturday February 04 06:52:06 2023
Scene ID
Anyone recognises this scene? I know the damsel is Marcela Carvajal, I think from the novela Contra El Tiempo but I don't know any other details. Anyone can help?

John Taylor
Saturday February 04 10:05:33 2023
Enfarto (?)/Infarto (?)
Does anyone recall a Spanish-speaking hidden camera show called either EnFarto or Infarto (which was either on Azteca or Telemundo)?

There was a scene that I remember had been posted on the old Major John’s site from said show on in which a young lady showed up to a set for a blind date, and during the blind date, armed and masked intruders barged in, tied both who were on their (presumed) date to their chairs, and gagged them with their cloth napkins while setting up a prop that resembled a timebomb.

Everyone was in on the joke except the young lady who had shown up for the date.

Would anyone out there have that scene?

There was another scene (again, from Major John’s) that had starred a young lady who went on to win the Miss America crown…

Scene Collector
Saturday February 04 10:29:28 2023
Re: NCIS Los Angeles
On February 03 2023 (unsigned poster) wrote:

> On January 30 2023 Dextor wrote:
> > Press release for the Feb 19 episode of this CBS
> series
> > say Kensi and Fatima get kidnapped and drugged.
> > Hopefully leads to something
> Promo image released appears to show the two tied up in a
> car, no gag of course.
> https://i.imgur.com/A7WlOUm.jpg
I saw that but wasnt sure what to make of it. It def looks like Kensi is tied but not sure if the other is too or just trying to free her partner

Also weird how they are in the passenger and driver's seat. Not sure why theyd be in those two seats unless they got caught in the car or if their kidnappers are trying to get rid of them.
Saturday February 04 14:36:35 2023
Gina Gershon
The movie "Bound" came out (no pun intended) in 1996 and still gets attention. In today's NY Post there is an exclusive
titled Gina Gershon jokes about "countless" women proposing to her after "Bound" film
Saturday February 04 16:07:01 2023
Re: Gina Gershon
She's forever been in the DID Hall Of Fame for me ever since her Palmetto scene, which is an all-time favorite of mine.
Saturday February 04 16:07:50 2023
From A Video Comment
Does the scene sound familiar?

'In my college drama class, we were visited by a TV character actress. She said her most demanding role had been that of a nurse stripped down to her bra, panties, and pantyhose, lashed spread-eagle on a rolling gurney in a hospital back room. She told us it required her being fastened down helpless and gagged for a 3-day shoot, during which stage crew were not especially mindful of her situation. As they moved around. they often brushed across her feet and ribs, which she described as "wildly ticklish." This actress said it would make her flinch, causing her to laugh unwillingly under her gag. In one scene, her character lost hope and began to despair. When she couldn't manage to cry convincingly enough for the camera, a female stage hand tickled her feet for 2-3 minutes straight, which left her plenty red-faced and watery-eyed. She called the experience "torture" and warned us about the hazards of the entertainment business.'
Saturday February 04 16:48:34 2023
Re: Scene ID
On February 04 2023 John Taylor wrote:

> Anyone recognises this scene? I don't know any other details. Anyone can
> help?
> https://imgur.com/a/PfPebK8

It's from Contra El Tiempo episode 115.
Saturday February 04 18:38:45 2023
Re: Lady Who Taped A Ton of Shows
On February 03 2023 Samson Lee wrote:

> I saw this meme. I have no idea if it's true.

It's true but don't hold your breath, it's all news programming: "Stokes's massive project of recording the 24-hour news cycle "makes a compelling case for the significance of guerrilla archiving."

Interesting read on the wiki page but nothing for us I'm afraid unless you can recall any TV commercials of interest that aired during that time period. There may be one or two in the early 80s before the complaints that took out detective magazines emerged.
Saturday February 04 18:50:31 2023
Friday the 13th: The Series
It was just noticed that COMET TV cable channel is starting to show this series on Sunday each week starting at 11:00 AM (Eastern). This show had a good assortment of scenes in many episodes. IIRC the one below was the best one. Maybe we'll get lucky and this one will be shown sooner not later!

Title: Friday the 13th: The Series
Medium: TV Series
Actress: Gwendoline Pacey aka Gwendolyn Pacey

Description: Episode: "Vanity's Mirror" (1.15)

An unpopular, homely girl, who lives in the shadow of her beautiful and popular older sister, gets hold of this compact. When she flashes it in boys' eyes, they fall madly, hopelessly in love with her. They do anything she wants, but as soon as they tell her they love her, she must kill them. She curses her sister's boyfriend the night of the prom, and hangs her from the lighting fixture, allowing a chair to brush just under her toes to give her a fair chance at living. Her hands are tightly tied behind her, and she's gagged with cloth between the teeth. Several excellent closeups, and good struggling as she tries to stay balanced on her bare toes. She finally slips off the chair, but is rescued in the nick of time.
No Trekkie
Saturday February 04 20:19:02 2023
Life After Life: Thomasin McKenzie
In the 3rd episode of this BBC series, the lovely Thomasin McKenzie appears to be OTM gagged. From what I can make of the plot, she's wearing it for dental reasons so nothing bondage related.

Saturday February 04 22:45:57 2023
Re: From A Video Comment
On February 04 2023 (unsigned poster) wrote:

> Does the scene sound familiar?
> 'In my college drama class, we were visited by a TV
> character actress. She said her most demanding role had
> been that of a nurse stripped down to her bra, panties,
> and pantyhose, lashed spread-eagle on a rolling gurney in
> a hospital back room. She told us it required her being
> fastened down helpless and gagged for a 3-day shoot,
> during which stage crew were not especially mindful of
> her situation. As they moved around. they often brushed
> across her feet and ribs, which she described as
> "wildly ticklish." This actress said it would
> make her flinch, causing her to laugh unwillingly under
> her gag. In one scene, her character lost hope and began
> to despair. When she couldn't manage to cry convincingly
> enough for the camera, a female stage hand tickled her
> feet for 2-3 minutes straight, which left her plenty
> red-faced and watery-eyed. She called the experience
> "torture" and warned us about the hazards of the entertainment business.'

Thanks for sharing this amusing anecdote with us! Did she elaborate on HOW she was gagged? Was she gagged with duct tape, a cleave-gag, a surgical gag, or some other type of gag altogether? I'm sure she read a script prior to accepting the role, but did the script mention that she would be left unattended while bound and gagged? I'm sure it didn't predict what an ordeal being bound and gagged would be. Did she file a complaint with the actor's union? If something had happened to her while she was bound and gagged, then the production company would've been in A LOT of trouble.
Saturday February 04 23:02:30 2023
DID Autographs
I'm curious if at events like conventions, autograph signings, etc. when some actresses who've filmed bondage scenes in various media are the guests if any of them have ever had images of their scenes in question as a picture you can get signed? This would include things such as No H8 photoshoots as well for actresses who've done them and may have their said photoshoots available as a picture to get signed. It'd be cool to get an autographed image of a DID actress' scene but it'd be understandable if said actress got more than a little freaked out and might even get suspicious when presented with such an item to sign. I recall a few years back reading here that someone sent an image of Tracey Needham's B&G scene from JAG for her to sign and he instead got a very angry response over the choice of image.

Perhaps not entirely topical but I'm genuinely curious. I ask because in a few short weeks I may actually be going to a convention and one of the guests is someone who did a scene that as a youth had a profound impact on me as a kid and got me into DIDs, and I'd hate to upset her by bringing something related to the scene in question for her to sign or bringing it up. As much as I'd like to ask her about the scene and the experience of filming it I'd be afraid of freaking her out and could risk getting escorted off of the premises and barred from the event.
Saturday February 04 23:22:04 2023
Re: DID Autographs
On February 04 2023 (unsigned poster) wrote:

> her to sign or bringing it up. As much as I'd like to ask
> her about the scene and the experience of filming it I'd
> be afraid of freaking her out and could risk getting escorted off of the premises and barred from the event.

I think your instincts are right on this one. Even if you don't get kicked out, you may make her feel uncomfortable and less likely to want to be in such scenes in the future.

Saturday February 04 23:34:12 2023
Re: From A Video Comment
On February 04 2023 (unsigned poster) wrote:

> Does the scene sound familiar?

> been that of a nurse stripped down to her bra, panties,
> and pantyhose, lashed spread-eagle on a rolling gurney in
> a hospital back room. She told us it required her being
> fastened down helpless and gagged for a 3-day shoot,

> "wildly ticklish." This actress said it would

> enough for the camera, a female stage hand tickled her

Sounds like the fever dream of a tickle fetishist. If such a scene existed and was so long and involved it took 3 days to shoot, we'd all know about it.

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