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Friday July 18 09:07:48 2008
[12780] Amores de mercado aka Amores
The dark-haired damsel wearing jeans is actress Estefania Godoy (character "Lorena").
Friday July 18 11:00:03 2008
[1802] Park Plaza 605 (1953) aka Norman Conquest
Brunette Pixie, the hero's fiancee, is NOT tied up by the hero at all (this film showed here again yesterday).

She gets into a taxi and a gun-toting baddie jumps in after her and tells the taxi driver to drive to an address which is obviously his hideout. Pixie manages to leave a compact with a "HELP" message in the taxi; the taxi driver telephones the hero.

Hero drives to the house, forces his way in and while he fights the bad guy, we see some good close-up shots of Pixie struggling, tied to the chair in the manner already described (gag is KNOTTED white cleave - very nice big knot I hasten to add).

When the hero triumphs it is then played for comedy as he leaves Pixie tied and gagged while he talks to her about the dangers of snooping, during which she makes several delightful muffled protests. (it is this scene that may have led to the confusion about who tied her up).

While he teases the still-gagged damsel, he jokingly remarks "Oh, so you won't talk huh?"

It is also during this scene that we can see that, although her hands are tied in front, they are held in place in her lap by ropes passing under the chair, so they cannot move. Very nice ropework, a great mouth-filling gag, all in all a very nice and I think, highly under-rated scene.

Pixie wears a short jacket and flared skirt combo typical of the 50's.

Footnote: it is a disappointment that later on in this film the villains leave the hero, Pixie and another man bound in their apartment. All we see of this is the hero's tied feet knocking the phone off the hook, and the hall porter in their apartment building answering the phone and repeatedly asking who's there...therefore, we can only surmise that Pixie and co are gagged too, as the porter does not appear to get any response, but sadly we don't see the apartment again until after the hall porter has freed them.

I often wonder if they filmed the three tied up in the apartment, but left it out of the finished product. Guess we'll never know.

**apologies if this is overly long - I am watching the scene and describing it simultaneously!
Friday July 18 14:29:19 2008
Re: Enjin Sentai
Stephanie wrote:

>> I'll stand by my ID, as confirmed by 6 of our Japanese
> correspondents - a general google search of same title
> also returns thousands of entries.

Yes, I noted them, too. I was merely curious about how the transliteration ought to be handled. There's always a certain amount of arbitrariness about how to spell something in Roman orthography when it's origin is in a different script entirely (just as any of the Japanese scripts).

> Possibly a language issue, but I would not bestow the
> amateur on-line information source 'Wikipedia' the same
> reverant status as the Encylopaedia Brittanica' as you
> seem to.

Actually, I'm very reticent to confer any reverence to any source, on-line or not. (My middle name is "skeptic.") I am, though, always interested in collating disparate sources of information about clips and trying to make sense of them (perhaps I was a librarian in a past life?... Nah!). In this case, I thought the wiki notation was interesting and ought to be double-checked. That's why I asked you, Stephanie, since the clip came from you and you have all these wonderful contacts.

Anyway, thanks for the additional info and for your ongoing efforts to provide us all with really interesting clips.



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