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Video Page

This page is for posting links to online streaming video, Youtube and things like that. The rules are somewhat looser than Discussion. You can post and discuss mainstream and related amateur video. Do not post clips from commercial videos. It's usually not that hard to tell the difference.

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Sunday January 04 11:24:59 2009
More homemade vids
I don't know if these were posted yet, but there seems to be 2 young women (their youtube account puts them at 18)named Megyn and Grace and they have a bunch of vids taking turns binding and gagging each other. I am posting what I think is the best one - not only in quality (cameral stays still for long period of time) but also because Megyn is very cute.

Sunday January 04 16:30:31 2009
Youtbue vid of girls removing tape from mouth
Sunday January 04 16:42:05 2009
Re: More homemade vids
BronxTies wrote:

> I don't know if these were posted yet, but there seems to
> be 2 young women (their youtube account puts them at
> 18)named Megyn and Grace and they have a bunch of vids
> taking turns binding and gagging each other. I am
> posting what I think is the best one - not only in
> quality (cameral stays still for long period of time) but
> also because Megyn is very cute.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CodO8YfBC8&feature=rec-HM-rn
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/BronxTies/

Megyn is very cute, and one vid Grace mentions "Megyn is tied up, as usual"...But tread carefully...the ages listed are not valid. Hope everyone just leaves the girls alone and lets them have fun.
Will the bloody
Sunday January 04 21:51:30 2009
AgenteWGA - Voodoo
Anyone have info or links to his videos? Apparently he made a couple of DID vids that were banned from youtube. I saw a couple of stills from "Voodoo" that seemed very interesting but couldn't track down a copy anywhere.
Sunday January 04 23:24:54 2009
Re: AgenteWGA - Voodoo
I think they are also on youtube still too.

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