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Monday May 05 03:11:43 2008
Re: factory girl
paolo wrote:

> I think the title is wrong.

Got it, thanks.

Brian R
Monday May 05 12:12:39 2008
[13405] Navarro aka Le Système Navarro aka Commissario Navarro
Sorry, but the tied woman is Dominique Charpentier, not Marion Beulque. This later plays here as a cop, appearing also hooded but not tied in this episode
Monday May 05 21:37:09 2008
Re: [13405] Navarro aka Le Système Navarro aka Commissario Navarro
paul wrote:

> Dominique Charpentier

Thank you
Jay L
Monday May 05 22:01:00 2008
[6565] Perils of Pauline (1914)
I've been trying to update this entry, but I get this error message:
File truncated: /home/brianspa/public_html/cgi-bin/datab/db.txt

I'd like to replace the existing description with this:

The archtypical damsel-in-distress Pauline Marvin (White) is menanced through twenty episodes by the murderous villian Koerner (Paul Panzer) and his nefarious henchmen. Only nine of the original 20 chapters survive (the original serial was trimmed down for foreign export and that's the only format that is still available), but the 200 minutes of extant footage make for an exciting serial.

At the 28 minute mark of the first chapter, Pauline, having just survived a ride in a runaway hot-air balloon and a descent down a hundred foot cliff, is captured by Koerner's henchman. Her wrists are bound behind her back and her legs bound, with ropes wrapped around her ankle-length skirt. She's detective gagged (over the hair) with a white cloth. The villain leaves Harry (the hero) unconscious (whether he's exhausted from rescuing Pauline, or has been conked by the villain is a bit unclear - the footage is a little ragged at this point) and carries the heroine over the shoulder quite a distance to his two-seater automobile. He drives to an abandoned cottage and half carries half drags Pauline inside, then carries her over-the-shoulder to an upstair bedroom and dumps her onto what's left of a cot. Triumphantly lighting a cigarette, the villain drops the burning match which accidentally ignites some nearby waste. The villain decides to leave the blaze burning, locks the house and drives off. Meanwhile our hero recovers, buys a horse and takes off in pursuit. By the time he arrives at the burning house, Pauline has worked off her gag (which still hangs from her neck) and struggles mightily against her cruel bonds screaming all the while. Our hero cannot force the door and, with bars preventing access through the windows, things are looking bleak for our heroine when a motorist drives up and offers to help. Harry buys the man's car, drives it through the building's front door and races to the rescue. The entire exciting sequense takes six and a half minutes.

In the second chapter (Gal of the Golden West), Pauline visits friends in the Wild West and is abducted by a bunch of owlhoots. At the 10 and a half minute mark, her wrists are tied in front, her ankles bound and she's loosely gagged with a triangle-shaped bandanna and forced into a cave whose opening is buried with rocks. Pauline drags herself to her feet, pulls off her gag and, taking stock of her apparently hopeless situation, sinks to her knees in dispair... but not for long. At about the twelve minute mark of this chapter, our plucky heroine gets her second wind and unties her wrists using her teeth. When we next see Pauline two minutes later, she's already removed the ropes binding her ankles and is busy finding another exit from the cave.

In Chapter Five "Watery Doom", a gang of gypsies pretending to be firemen lure Harry and Pauline to a burning building and get the drop on the lovers. At the six minute mark we see them realistically bound hand and foot and detective gagged. The villains lug them across a bridge and force them thorough a trapdoor into a basement which lies below the level of the river. By the eight and a half minute mark, Harry has sawed through his bonds and unties and ungags Pauline on-screen.

I've seen caps oa another scene where she's tied to a post with lots of thick rope. From what I've read, none of the stereotypical scenes that appear in the 1947 similarly titled film (menanced by a buzzsaw, tied to the railroad tracks, etc.) occur in this serial, but what's available makes for facinating viewing.
Monday May 05 22:12:31 2008
Re: [6565] Perils of Pauline (1914)
David wrote:

> File truncated:

I'll take a shot with some tricks.
Let you know how goes
Jay L
Monday May 05 22:18:57 2008
Re: [6565] Perils of Pauline (1914)
David wrote:

> I've been trying to update this entry, but I get this
> error message:
> File truncated:

Yeah, done now.

It was one of those where you have to edit a paragraph or two at a time. Bit by bit, to get it to take the whole thing.

Jay L

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