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Video Page

This page is for posting links to online streaming video, Youtube and things like that. The rules are somewhat looser than Discussion. You can post and discuss mainstream and related amateur video. Do not post clips from commercial videos. It's usually not that hard to tell the difference.

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Monday September 10 03:31:15 2018
Re: new russian scene
Great little scene, awesome gag. Just emphasizes that female gag-talk/mmmphing truly is the only universal language ;)
Monday September 10 05:10:54 2018
Looking for Anna Mouglalis' scene
Hello, gorgeous French - Greek actress Anna Mouglalis has had a scene in a movie called "Chez Gino". Does anyone have it? Thanks in advance
Monday September 10 07:03:19 2018
Piercing Trailer?
Poster over on Discussion has mentioned a f/t scene for Mia Wasikowska in this indie thriller but can't find any footage or a trailer even, only panel talk-fest's on YouTube etc. Maybe a trailer doesn't exist yet. Trouble with festival films they can take forever to reach general audiences. If anyone's got a bootleg copy feel free to share ;)
Monday September 10 16:18:26 2018
Scenes with good medium-low pitched mmmphing
Anything good? For some reason when the damsel isn't squealing at a gratingly high pitch it makes the scene better.
Monday September 10 16:23:59 2018
His Perfect Obsession
Anyone have caps of this scene or a video?
Monday September 10 16:31:58 2018
Re: Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake
LS wrote:

> In this PC game, Nancy gets knocked out and tied up in a
> shed. Scene starts about half a minute into the clip. :)

LOL, thanks, would've been nice had the sound track had "mmphing".

Monday September 10 16:37:33 2018
Re: The Collector stage play
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> I think a lot of you missed my question so let me ask
> again... I know about the stage play I really do I just
> want a link to wherever that picture came from...

Plenty of links here for both video and images:

https://www.google.com/ search?source=hp&ei=hNSWW5DbMs7GkwW317Fg&q=The+Collector+stage+play&btnK=Google+Search&oq=The+Collector+stage+play&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i13i30.5031.10570..10760...0.0..0.265.4158.0j15j8......0....1..gws-wiz.......0j0i131j0i22i30j33i22i29i30.lCx0YYUDSlg

Monday September 10 16:48:39 2018
Re: His Perfect Obsession
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Anyone have caps of this scene or a video?

You can watch it here.

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