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This page is for posting links to online streaming video, Youtube and things like that. The rules are somewhat looser than Discussion. You can post and discuss mainstream and related amateur video. Do not post clips from commercial videos. It's usually not that hard to tell the difference.

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Friday July 11 09:56:06 2008
Re: Spanish Damsel Gagged by Female
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Must be the most secure application of a ducttape gag
> ever
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBMYMSnE_ec

Great cleavage on that damsel during the initial tying sequence. Liked her face, too. Also liked the way her captor winced and shook her hand when she slugged the damsel -- she was obviously in much greater pain than the damsel. Too much violence, but otherwise a very nice scene.
Pat Powers
Friday July 11 10:10:41 2008
Re: Teung Rai Kor Ruk ep. 4-9
X wrote:

> It's too often a thankless job putting up
> new material for what is basically a horde of moochers
> with maybe a couple hundred "regulars" there to
> say a thing or two; but I know I speak on behalf of all
> us kooks that we're all very appreciative.

Totally ditto. The site would undoubtedly have many more active contributors if there were more positive responses to new material, but the impression I get is that there are a ton of lurkers out there who happily scoop up any materials that are on offer, but who would never break their "silence" I guess because they are so afraid of being discovered, somehow.

> I'm happy to break my anonymity for stuff like this! :D

Yes, now everybody knows you are X.
Pat Powers
Friday July 11 10:13:03 2008
'Film Noir' Movie on YouTube
Great scene with damsel roped to chair and cleave-gagged
Friday July 11 10:14:58 2008
Re: 'Film Noir' Movie on YouTube
> Great scene with damsel roped to chair and cleave-gagged
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oukpilmn-1w

Part 1 of the movie. Highly recommended
Friday July 11 13:10:25 2008
Scene ID?
Not sure about linking/embedding, so I'm just going to go the copy/paste route on this one:


Anyone know what it's from? Some of the viewer comments suggest that it's a TV series, and it has a watermark of something that looks like "GMA". The Youtube caption is "I'm going on," but I can't tell if that's a translation of the series title, or maybe just part of the dialogue.

It's a nice enough scene, for sure, but what intrigues me is that some of the viewer comments indicate that the long-haired young lady in the catsuit who rescues the damsel is herself distressed in a later episode, and I'd love to see that.
Friday July 11 14:14:33 2008
Re: Scene ID?
The show is "Lupin", a spinoff series from the Philippines. Yes, the girl in the cat suit does get a full treatment scene in the final episode of the series. It was online a few months ago but I can't seem to find it anymore. I'll keep trying!

Friday July 11 14:17:31 2008
Re: Scene ID?
Salvadore wrote:

>Yes, the girl in the cat suit does get a
> full treatment scene in the final episode of the series.

Many thanks for the info. Got a description of catsuit-gal's scene, by chance?

Friday July 11 14:32:54 2008
Re: Scene ID?
> Many thanks for the info. Got a description of
> catsuit-gal's scene, by chance?

Never mind that! Here we go:

(I hope rapidshare's fine)
Friday July 11 14:58:38 2008
Teung Rai Kor Ruk ep. 4-9
Just want to say thank you for a great scene and description of that scene. :-)
Friday July 11 15:10:14 2008
Re: Scene ID?
Salvadore wrote:

> > Many thanks for the info. Got a description of
> > catsuit-gal's scene, by chance?
> Never mind that! Here we go:

Many thanks. She's quite the cutie-- reminds me a bit of Michelle Trachtenberg.

Now if the two commando gals in this clip ever get a scene, let us know!

Friday July 11 16:49:25 2008
Re: Scene ID?
Jeb wrote:

> Many thanks for the info. Got a description of
> catsuit-gal's scene, by chance?

It's not very good, unfortunately! I was really fired up when I found out she'd be getting the treatment but it's pretty lame! I'm a snot with this stuff though, so ..

Basically she's tied hands behind and gagged OTM with a white cloth. Two putzes, both with better gags. They are all in a giant cage, standing up. Later they are seated but they work the gags off quick and they don't go back on. If you're into just ties -- you're pretty much golden. They are all later exchanged, but I can't remember if they are tied. I might be able to post the .FLV later, 'cuz I saved them all.

Friday July 11 17:08:34 2008
Re: 'Film Noir' Movie on YouTube
> Great scene with damsel roped to chair and cleave-gagged

Actually two damsels roped and gagged the same way. Love them flashback scenes!
Friday July 11 23:23:12 2008
Re: Scene ID?
X wrote:
> Jeb wrote:
> > Many thanks for the info. Got a description of
> > catsuit-gal's scene, by chance?
> It's not very good, unfortunately!

Well, that's interesting, because the scene that the previous poster linked for me is totally different from the one you describe.

In the linked one, she's tied in a chair, arms to the top of the chair arms, heavy cord at her wrists, and a white cleave gag tied over her long hair. She's later ungagged (to be interrogated, I suppose), and then there's a tussle between her captor and a would-be rescuer, while she undoes the knots at her wrists with her teeth.

Really nice scene, the only caveats being that she's in street clothes instead of the catsuit, and her demeanor is more scared than defiant (which I generally prefer).

So, she has another scene? That Lupin show is definitely one to keep an eye on.

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