This page is for posting personal ads looking to trade scenes. All transactions are the responsibility of the parties involved. Everyone dealing here should be aware that providing an adult tape to a minor is likely illegal, and could result in prosecution. Also, dealing copies of commercial tapes may be in violation of the copyright laws. The Moderator will make no attempt to police this board.
Monday June 06 03:28:22 2005 Request for cap |
My TV is a bit blurry on the scifi channel, could someone with a clean signal on that channel cap that for me?
I lost that scene a while ago :( Timecop ("A Rip in Time") Day: Tuesday June 07 2005 Time: 10:00AM E.T. Channel: Sci-Fi Part of a "Timecop" mini-marathon starting at 8:00AM ET. Record number: 1870 Title: Timecop Medium: TV Series Actress: Anna Galvin Description: Episode: "A Rip in Time" (1.1) Anna Galvin, also known as Lady Marian from the latest "Robin Hood" series, plays prostitute Anna Thompson, who falls into the clutches of Jack The Ripper. During the climatic scene in the bell tower of Big Ben she's cleavegagged with a white strip of cloth, has her hands bound behind her, and has a time bomb collared around her neck. Logan and the villain battle it out while she looks on. She gets in a few hard kicks when Jack's taken to the floor. Finally, he makes good his escape, leaving Logan to figure out the deactivation code for the bomb. Of course, no one blows up real good. This sequence begins around the 50' mark. Around 36' in, Logan handgags Anna to prevent her from alerting the bobbies guarding her. Kinky-napper |
AsbestosFilter |
AsbestosFilter@gmail.com |
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/asbestosfilterscaps |