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Discussion Page

Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Thursday March 15 00:06:52 2018
Happy anniversary
On to the next decade. On March 15, 1997 this site got its start, as announced in this message posted to usenet:

I have started up a page dedicated to discussion on the topic of bondage scenes from mainstream media. The page doesn't have a lot to it yet (I only worked on it for a few hours so far), but it does have forums for posting about trades, VCR alerts, and general discussion.

It started as forum using the Tripod guestbook to provide timely VCR Alerts, which were hard to get back then. It's grown since.

As always, it's happy anniversary to all because YOU make this page what it is.

Brian R
Thursday March 15 00:16:49 2018
Re: Happy anniversary
Brian R wrote:

> On to the next decade.
> As always, it's happy anniversary to all because YOU make
> this page what it is.

And Happy Anniversary to you as well, Brian, from someone who has visited this page often and really appreciates what you have given us here.
Thursday March 15 00:23:13 2018
Re: Happy anniversary
Happy Anniversary! Can't believe I've been coming here almost daily since the early 2000's. I wish everyone a fruitful year of scenes!
Thursday March 15 00:50:34 2018
Sadly been a complete bust this season, nothing so far at all. The season finale is next Wednesday and from the previews it looks like nothing will pan out but we won't know for sure until then. I'm okay with Gillian Anderson not getting a new scene as she had her excellent ones before, but it kills me to see Lauren Ambrose evade capture. Maybe next season if it returns.
Thursday March 15 08:08:10 2018
Re: Happy anniversary
Brian R wrote:

> On to the next decade. On March 15, 1997 this site got
> its start

Happy anniversary! The site is so simple in design and looks yet that is what makes it so magical and fun. This page should run as long as life on earth (at least).
Thursday March 15 09:41:28 2018
Re: Happy anniversary
Brian R wrote:

> As always, it's happy anniversary to all because YOU make
> this page what it is.

Happy Anniversary asshole.
Thursday March 15 11:31:45 2018
Re: Happy anniversary

I found this site in 2000 when I was just starting high school, and I can never express how much this has meant to me. It let a then 14 year old know he wasn't alone, and it was ok to like watching women be bound and gagged.

Cheers to 21 years, and I can't thank you enough from the bottom of my heart.
Thursday March 15 11:42:02 2018
Happy Anniversary!
Old George
Thursday March 15 13:04:29 2018
Re: X-Files
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> not getting a new scene as she had her excellent ones
> before, but it kills me to see Lauren Ambrose evade
> capture. Maybe next season if it returns.

I believe Gillian has said she's done either way. So sad end.

Thursday March 15 13:37:07 2018
Save Yourself (movie)
Surprised this film was never mentioned before
Thursday March 15 14:03:48 2018
Re: Save Yourself (movie)
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Surprised this film was never mentioned before
> http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3549636/mediaindex?ref_=tt_mv_
> sm

She is gorgeous. Anything other than her beauty in it?
Thursday March 15 14:05:24 2018
Happy Anniversary!
Wow, it just goes on and on. May I live forever, and may you live forever and a day.

Thursday March 15 15:37:12 2018
Re: Happy anniversary
Happy anniversary to this page, the best page for the DID scenes, thank you for accepting me among you, a hug to the administrators.
Thursday March 15 18:20:03 2018
Re: Happy anniversary
Happy Anniversary Old Buddy!
Thursday March 15 18:35:10 2018
Re: Happy anniversary
Brian R wrote:

> On to the next decade. On March 15, 1997 this site got

I still remember the exact location and date where I came across this great site back in 1997. Dream come true. Thanks Brian

Thursday March 15 18:54:28 2018
Re: X-Files
> I believe Gillian has said she's done either way. So sad end.

And with the not-so-good reception the characters of Einstein and Miller got last season I wouldn't hold my breath for a spin-off with them or Einstein being a Scully replacement. I bet this season is the end of the line for many if Gillian really is finished after this.
Thursday March 15 22:07:35 2018
Re: X-Files
> I believe Gillian has said she's done either way. So
> sad end.

Still a pretty good legacy
Thursday March 15 22:17:53 2018
Re: Happy anniversary
Brian R wrote:

> On to the next decade. On March 15, 1997 this site got
> its start, as announced in this message posted to usenet:
happy anniversary my friend brian, the best forum of damsels in distress. Greetings from Colombia.
Thursday March 15 22:22:33 2018
Re: X-Files
There's also her two excellent duct tape gags she got in the episodes Our Town and Unruhe. Not too upset she didn't get a new scene given her past track record, but it's unfortunate nothing panned out for the other female characters bondage-wise. At least so far.
Thursday March 15 22:27:13 2018
Happy Anniversary
Happy Anniversary, Brian!

Congratulations on your unprecedented creation! It has become an integral and indispensable part of my life!
Thursday March 15 23:00:25 2018
Looking for Movie Name
Trying to figure out the name of a movie that I watched a LONG time ago (at least 15+ years). Not having much luck.

From what I remember the damsel is blond, she is tied up in her captors basement and she is tape gagged. The captor takes off her gag, talks to her for a bit and then tried to put the gag back on her. She softly says 'please, dont' and he leaves her ungagged and tells her not to scream.

While he is gone she screams for help. Eventually he comes back and is angry because his neighbour told him he must have left the TV on while he was gone. He gags her again.

After that my memory gets hazy. I'm pretty sure another girl gets tied up later on (I think she was Asian), but I can't remember for sure.

The movie was in English. Thanks
Thursday March 15 23:06:43 2018
Re: Looking for Movie Name
(unsigned poster) wrote:
> Trying to figure out the name of a movie that I watched

Sum Of Existence

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